800.51W89 Rumania/169
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Near Eastern Affairs (Murray)
Mr. Nano, Counselor of the Rumanian Legation, called me by telephone at 4:30 p.m. today to say that he had just received a telegram from his Government stating that it had reversed its earlier decision [Page 912] to default on the payment due today on the Rumanian debt to this Government and now intended to make a “token” payment, the exact amount of which would be communicated to the Legation shortly by the Rumanian National Bank.
Mr. Nano said that it was his understanding that the payment would amount substantially to 3% of the instalment due today and that it would be between $24,000 and $25,000 silver. He said an understanding approximately in this sense had been worked out between Mr. Davila and Mr. Moley.38
Mr. Nano asked whether the note left by Mr. Davila with Mr. Phillips this morning,39 announcing Rumania’s intention to default, could be withheld from publication and whether we desired to announce to the press the fact that Rumania intended to make the above mentioned “token” payment.