800.51W89 France/921

Memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State

The French Ambassador came in this morning and took up the question of the French debt to the United States. He said that there was to be a debate in the Chamber tomorrow and he wished he could do something to help the situation by suggesting on his own volition, again, the desirability of a part payment in acknowledgment of the debt. Inasmuch as the amount due on the December and June instalments came to about $60,000,000, he would like, he said, to make the suggestion that a payment of $6,000,000 be made now. De Laboulaye then went on to say that he did not, of course, want to take such a step unless it would be agreeably received at this end. I said that I would give an answer a little later during the day. After he had gone, I spoke to Mr. Moley7 and asked him to see Monsieur de Laboulaye and discuss this point with him. The Ambassador called on Mr. Moley at three o’clock.

William Phillips
  1. Raymond Moley, Assistant Secretary of State, March 6–September 7, 1933.