800.51W89 Czechoslovakia/231
The Czechoslovak Minister (Veverka) to the Acting Secretary of State
Excellency: In the note of June 15, 1933, I had the honor to express the hope of the Czechoslovak Government that a final settlement of the Czechoslovak debt due to the United States would be [Page 859] reached in the near future and offered at the same time a partial payment of the due installment as an expression of its utmost willingness to meet its obligations in the limits of the budgetary and monetary equilibrium of Czechoslovakia.
As the next installment of the payment is due on the fifteenth of this month, and both the short span of time and the present complex and difficult economic and monetary conditions do not permit the hope of reaching a final settlement, I am directed to offer again a partial payment amounting to $150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand dollars) on account of the due obligations and to confirm these existing obligations until a final settlement will be made possible.
Accept [etc.]