500.A15A4 General Committee/144: Telegram

The American Delegate (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

504. As you know there is to be a general discussion of the French plan6 in the early stages of the meeting of the General Commission which has been set for January 31. Inasmuch as the French plan involves for us some thorny political questions, notably consultation and neutral rights, it would seem advisable to consider as soon as possible what form any observation of the American delegation should take in discussing the plan. It would appear that any pronouncement we might make would be of considerable political importance either through what is said or through what it omitted to say. Thus it would seem advantageous to enter into an exchange of views with you as soon as possible regarding the matter.

This raises the question of our representation at the General Commission; if Gibson7 is to return it would seem useful that I should begin to cooperate with him as early as possible so that we could submit to you our views in the premises.

  1. For text, see telegram No. 455, November 15, 1932, from the American delegate, Foreign Relations, 1932, vol. i, p. 380.
  2. Hugh S. Gibson, Acting Chairman of the American delegation to the General Disarmament Conference; Ambassador to Belgium and Luxemburg.