852.75 National Telephone Company/50: Telegram
The Ambassador in Spain (Laughlin) to the Secretary of State
[Received 12:35 p.m.]
92. Your 102, November 24, 2 p.m. My note of November 23 has made some impression but it seems so far to have caused more consternation and dissension in the Cabinet than constructive effort. The archenemy there of the telephone company seems to be Prieto and there is more than a possibility that he and other irreconcilables may produce a total crisis. However Azaña is supposedly still seeking some way of disposing of the nullification bill. Though his efforts [Page 569] so far seem futile I think, after consultation with Rock, that publication of the note should be deferred in order to let the situation develop further but that you authorize me to notify the Foreign Office now that you intend to publish it before long. I shall watch the situation closely with Rock and telegraph you when the moment seems opportune here for its publication. I suggest continued action with stiffest possible attitude toward Cárdenas which would have an indirect effect here.
Scheduled meeting did not take place last night. The Cortes will not meet until Tuesday. There is therefore a breathing spell, meanwhile I am causing the report to be spread privately that your protest is the last word and that you will never accept nullification.