- Political developments in Germany (Documents 191–221)
- Postponement of German payments under the German-American debt
agreement of June 23, 1930 (Documents 222–233)
- Withholding of acquiescence in German tariff arrangements with Rumania
and Hungary in conflict with the German-American commercial treaty of
December 8, 1923 (Documents 234–243)
- Arrangement between the United States and Germany regarding reciprocal
recognition of certificates of airworthiness for imported aircraft,
effected by exchange of notes, signed May 27, 30, and 31, 1932 (Documents 244–247)
- Arrangement between the United States and Germany regarding air
navigation, effected by exchange of notes, signed May 27, 30, and 31,
1932 (Documents 248–251)
- Representations against proposed German import quotas on agricultural
products (Documents 252–262)
- Representations against certain regulations with regard to the
importation and exhibition of foreign motion-picture films in
Germany (Documents 263–265)
- German representations against a provision of the Workmen’s
Compensation Act of the State of Illinois with respect to alien
beneficiaries (Documents 266–267)
- Representations against a German decree reducing interest rates on
certain obligations held by American nationals (Documents 268–270)