Postponement of German payments under the German-American debt agreement of June 23, 193051

51. Agreement providing for the discharge of Germany’s war indebtedness to the United States; for text, see Annual Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1930 (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1931), p. 341, or League of Nations Treaty Series, vol. cvi, p. 121. See also Foreign Relations, 1929, vol. ii, pp. 1083 ff; ibid., 1930, vol. iii, pp. 106 ff.; and ibid., 1931, vol. ii, pp. 280 ff.

[222] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Sackett)

462.00R294/819b: Telegram

[223] The Ambassador in Germany (Sackett) to the Secretary of State

462.00R294/820: Telegram

[224] The Ambassador in Germany (Sackett) to the Secretary of State

462.00R294/823: Telegram

[225] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Sackett)

462.00R294/823: Telegram

[226] The German Chargé (Leitner) to the Secretary of State


[227] The German Chargé (Leitner) to the Secretary of State


[228] The Secretary of State to the German Chargé (Leitner)


[230] Memorandum by the Under Secretary of State (Castle)


[231] Memorandum by the Secretary of State


[232] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Germany (Sackett)
