List of Persons
(Identification of a person in this list is limited to circumstances under reference in volume ii. Names of persons which appear only in document headings or signatures are not included.)
- Abel, Dr. Othenio, Rector, University of Vienna.
- Alling, Paul H., Division of Near Eastern Affairs, Department of State.
- Allport, Fayette W., Commercial Attaché of Embassy in France.
- Alunan, Rafael, Secretary, Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Government of the Philippine Islands.
- Amadori, Giovanni, Italian Minister to Lithuania.
- Arena, Salvatore, Member of Italian Fascist group in United States.
- Atherton, Ray, Counselor of Embassy in Great Britain.
- Auberson, Jacques, Swiss Adviser to Ethiopian Ministry of Justice.
- Azaña, Manuel, President, Spanish Council of Ministers.
- Barclay, Edwin, President of Liberia.
- Barne, Henry Hume, British Judge, Alexandria and Cairo (Egypt) Mixed Courts of First Instance.
- Beck, Joh. Ph., Representative of U. S. Gypsum Company in Denmark.
- Behn, Sosthenes, Chairman, Board of Directors, International Telephone and Telegraph Company.
- Belin, Ferdinand Lammot, First Secretary of Embassy in Great Britain, to July 8, 1930.
- Beneš, Eduard, Czechoslovak Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Bennett, Richard Bedford, Canadian Prime Minister and Secretary of State for External Affairs.
- Bertenshaw, Eric Strickland, Assistant Secretary, British Customs and Excise Office.
- Birkett, Commander, U. S. Coast Guard Cutter Sebago.
- Blake-Reed, John S., British Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt.
- Bloom, Sol, U. S. Congressman (Democrat), 19th District, New York; Director, The United States George Washington Bicentennial Commission.
- Boal, Pierre de Lagarde, Chief, Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State.
- Boettcher, Dr. Otto, President, Memel Executive Council.
- Bogaerde, Count Othon de, Liberian Minister to France.
- Borah, William Edgar, U. S. Senator (Republican), Idaho; Chairman, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.
- Borduge, Marcel, Director General of Taxation, French Ministry of Finance; Member, Fiscal Committee; League of Nations.
- Brandl, Dr. Franz, President, Austrian Police, from November 1932.
- Braun, Magnus von, German Minister of Food and Agriculture, Schleicher Cabinet, December 2.
- Briggs, Ellis O., Division of Western European Affairs, Department of State.
- Brinton, Jasper Yeates, U. S. Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt.
- Broderick, Sir John Joyce, Commercial Counselor of British Embassy in United States, 1920–31.
- Bruening, Heinrich, German Chancellor to May 30; Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Brunot, Henri, French Administrative Expert for League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Bucknell, Howard, Jr., Second Secretary of Legation in Yugoslavia.
- Bülow, Bernhard Wilhelm von, Secretary of State, German Foreign Office.
- Bundy, Harvey H., Assistant Secretary of State; Member, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Buresch, Dr. Karl, Austrian Federal Chancellor; Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Caclamanos, Demetrius, Greek Minister to Great Britain.
- Calderon y Martin, Luis, Chief, Commercial Division, Spanish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
- Campbell, Gerald, British Consul General at New York.
- Canty, George Romuald, Trade Commissioner, Embassy in Germany.
- Cárdenas, Juan Francisco de, Spanish Ambassador to United States.
- Carodossi, Giuseppe Umberto, Italian Vice Consul at New York.
- Carroll, Mitchell Benedict, Survey Director (national tax systems), League of Nations Fiscal Committee.
- Castellano, Augusto, Italian Vice Consul at New York.
- Castle, William R., Jr., Under Secretary of State; Acting Secretary of State, April 8–May 14.
- Cator, Sir Ralph P. B., British Judge (President, 1931–32), Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt.
- Cecil, Viscount Robert, Chairman, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Chamberlain, Austen, Chairman, League of Nations Loan Committee.
- Claudel, Paul, French Ambassador to United States.
- Cluett, Captain William P., master of Canadian schooner Josephine K., seized as rum runner.
- Colby, Bainbridge, Secretary of State, 1920–21.
- Coleman, J. F. B., Member, special commission to investigate alleged Kru Coast outrages; editor of Weekly Mirror (Monrovia).
- Coulondre, Robert, Assistant Director of Political and Commercial Affairs, French Foreign Office.
- Crosby, Oscar T., Treasury Department Representative signing Greek debt settlement agreement, February 10, 1918.
- Czermak, Emmerich, Austrian Minister of Education.
- Daudet, Léon, Leader of French Royalist Party; Director of l’Action Française.
- Daugherty, Harry Micajah, U. S. Attorney General, 1921–24.
- Davila, Charles A., Rumanian Minister to United States.
- Davis, Major Harry, London Representative, Gulf Oil Company.
- Davis, Colonel T. Elwood, Liberian Frontier Force; Special Commissioner to Kru Coast.
- Dawes, Charles G., Ambassador to Great Britain, 1929–32.
- Dawson, Claude I., Consul General at Barcelona.
- Demetrovich, Yuraj, Yugoslav Minister of Agriculture.
- Dennis, Gabriel L., Liberian Secretary of the Treasury.
- Dieckhoff, Hans Heinrich, Chief, Anglo-American and Near East Department, German Foreign Office.
- Dodd, Charles Edward Shuter, Acting Counselor of British Embassy in Persia.
- Dollfuss, Engelbert, Austrian Chancellor, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Agriculture.
- Doss Pasha, Tewfik, Acting Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs; Minister of Communications.
- Dreyfuss, Louis G., Jr., Consul General at Copenhagen.
- Duesterberg, Lieutenant Colonel Theodor, Nationalist Candidate for German Presidency.
- Dumba, Dr. Constantin Theodor, President, Austrian Section, League of Nations Union.
- Dunbar, J. F., Acting Secretary of the Treasury, Liberia.
- Durand, Julien, French Minister of Commerce.
- Echegaray y Romea, Miguel, Agricultural Attaché Spanish Embassy.
- Elliot, Sir Henry George, British Ambassador to Turkey, 1867–77.
- Epp, Franz Xavier von, organizer of German National Storm Troops.
- Evangheli, Pandeli J., Albanian Prime Minister.
- Feder, Gottfried, Head of Economic Bureau, National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
- Feis, Herbert, Economic Adviser, Department of State.
- Ferguson, Colonel Harley Bascom, U. S. Member, International Joint Board of Engineers on St. Lawrence Waterway Project.
- Fey, Major Emil, Austrian Secretary of State for Public Safety; Chief, Vienna Heimwehr.
- Firestone, Harvey Samuel, Sr., President, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, and Firestone Plantations Company (Liberia).
- Firestone, Harvey Samuel, Jr., Vice President, Firestone Tire and Rubber Company; Vice President and Director, Firestone Plantations Company (Liberia).
- Fish, Hamilton, Jr., U. S. Congressman (Republican), 26th District, New York.
- Flournoy, Richard W., Jr., Office of the Legal Adviser.
- Fotich, Konstantin, Yugoslav Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Fouché, Sproull, Commercial Attaché of Legation in Rumania.
- François-Poncet, André, French Ambassador to Germany.
- Frick, Wilhelm, Head of National Socialist German Workers’ Party bloc in German Reichstag.
- Fuszek, Dr. R. G., Head of Sanitary Survey, Monrovia, Liberia.
- Gafencu, Grigore, Rumanian Under Secretary for Foreign Affairs.
- Galvanauskas, E., Lithuanian Prime Minister, 1922–23.
- Gabay Diaz, J. Narciso, Panamanian Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Gabbeatt-Dombasle, Maurice, French Commercial Attaché in United States.
- George, William P., Chargé in Yugoslavia.
- Ghika, Prince Dimitri, Rumanian Minister for Foreign Affairs, from April 27.
- Gilmour, Major, President, International Quarantine Board, Alexandria, Egypt.
- Glidewell, President, American Chamber of Commerce for Spain.
- Goebbels, Joseph Paul, editor of Der Angriff, organ of National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
- Goering, Hermann, Member, National Socialist German Workers’ Party; President of Reichstag.
- Gomez y Ocerin, J., Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Gordon, George A., Counselor of Embassy in Germany.
- Graham, British Judge, Mixed Court of First Instance, Cairo, Egypt.
- Graham, Constantin, British Consul General at Monrovia.
- Grazzi, Emanuele, Italian Consul General at New York.
- Green, Captain Thomas H., Secretary, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Grimes, Louis A., Liberian Secretary of State; Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Groener, General Wilhelm, German Minister for Reichswehr, to May 30.
- Gubba, James, Leader, German Farmers’ Party in Memel Diet.
- Hackworth, Green H., Solicitor, Department of State, August 10, 1925–June 30, 1931; Legal Adviser, July 1, 1931.
- Hadley, Lindley Hoag, U. S. Congressman (Republican), Washington.
- Hamilton, Baron Carl Fredrik Hugo, Secretary General, Swedish Foreign Office.
- Hand, Learned, Judge, U. S. Circuit Court, 2d Circuit.
- Hanfstängel, Ernst Franz, Chief, Foreign Press Department, National Socialist German Workers’ Party; personal adjutant to Adolf Hitler.
- Harris, Ernest L., Consul General at Vienna.
- Hays, Will, President, Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America, Inc.
- Henderson, Arthur, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, 1929–31.
- Henderson, Sir James Blacklock, British inventor, naval firing gear.
- Henke, Dr., film expert, German Foreign Office.
- Herouy, Bellaten Guétò, Ethiopian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Herridge, William Duncan, Canadian Minister to United States.
- Herriot, Edouard, President, French Council of Ministers (June 7–December 14); Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Herron, Major Frederick L., Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America.
- Hibbard, Frederick P., Second Secretary of Legation in Czechoslovakia.
- Hill, Major George P., Assistant Legal Adviser, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Hindenburg, Paul von, President of Germany; candidate for reelection.
- Hines, William D., Acting Manager, Firestone Plantations Company (Liberia); Representative before League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Hitler, Adolf, Chairman, National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
- Hoare, Sir Reginald Hervey, British Minister to Persia.
- Hornell, James, Director of Fisheries, Government of Madras.
- Howard, Lord Esme William, British Ambassador to United States, 1924–30.
- Howe, Robert George, Treaty Department, British Foreign Office.
- Howe, Walter Bruce, Representative of Finance Corporation of America before League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Howell, Williamson S., Jr., First Secretary of Embassy in France.
- Howells, Dr. W., Senior Health Officer, Gold Coast West African Medical Service; Head of emergency sanitation mission to Liberia.
- Hugenberg, Dr. Alfred, Chairman, German National Peoples’ Party; Presidential candidate.
- Hughes, Charles Evans, Secretary of State, 1921–25.
- Hurley, Patrick Jay, Assistant Secretary of War, March 15–December 9, 1929.
- Ianculescu, Rumanian Representative, General Railway Signal Company.
- Irujo, Luis M. de, Counselor of Spanish Embassy in United States.
- Jacobsson, Per, Swedish Financial Expert, League of Nations mission to Memel Territory.
- Jardine, William M., Minister to Egypt.
- Johnson, Secretary to Edwin Barclay, President of Liberia.
- Jones, J. Edmund, Liberian Assistant Secretary of State.
- Jones, Wesley Livsey, U. S. Senator (Republican), Washington.
- Junian, Grigoire, Rumanian Minister of Justice, 1928–30.
- Junkab, Dr. E., Chief, Political Bureau, Austrian Foreign Office, to November 1, 1932.
- Kadgyns, K., Member, Lithuanian Directorate for Memel Territory.
- Kafandaris, George, Greek Minister of Finance, 1926.
- Karsky, Michael, Soviet Minister to Lithuania.
- Kastl, Dr. Ludwig, Director, Federation of German Industries.
- Kennan, George Frost, Consul at Riga.
- Kliefoth, Alfred W., Second Secretary of Embassy in Germany.
- Knatchbull-Hugessen, Hughe Montgomery, British Minister to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
- Knox, John Clark, Judge, U. S. District Court, Southern District of New York.
- Kodding, John Trojan, Second Secretary of Legation in Bulgaria, 1929–30.
- Kramer, Albert, Yugoslav Minister without Portfolio.
- Kumanudi, Kosta, President, Yugoslav Chamber of Deputies; Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, August.
- La Boulaye, André Lefebvre de, Deputy Director, Department of Political and Commercial Affairs, French Foreign Office.
- Lambros, Achille C., Private Secretary to Greek Prime Minister.
- Lamont, Robert Patterson, Secretary of Commerce.
- Laval, Pierre, President, French Council of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs, to February 16; Minister of Labor, February-May.
- Lavender, Lieutenant Commander Robert A., Member, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Lefebvre, Olivier, Canadian Member, International Joint Board of Engineers on St. Lawrence Waterway Project.
- Leitner, Rudolf, Counselor of German Embassy in United States.
- Leverre, Gaston, French Railway Expert; Technical Adviser, Rumanian State Railways.
- Lewis, Colonel George T., Adviser, Liberian Frontier Force.
- Ligthart, Th., Dutch Financial Expert for League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Lindsay, Sir Ronald Charles, British Ambassador to United States.
- Lingeman, Eric Ralph, Commercial Secretary, British Legation in Persia.
- Litvinov, Maxim, Soviet Commissar for Foreign Affairs.
- Loeb, Charles G., President, American Chamber of Commerce in France.
- Loraine, Sir Percy Lyham, British High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan.
- Löwenthal, J., Director, Presidential Cabinet, Austria.
- Lyle, L T., Vice President, Finance Corporation of America, (subsidiary of Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, holding corporation for bonds of Republic of Liberia).
- McBarnett, Alexander Cockburn, British Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt.
- McCaskey, Charles L., Acting Financial Adviser to Republic of Liberia.
- McCormack, J. L., District Manager, Export Steamship Corporation.
- McDermott, Michael James, Chief, Division of Current Information, Department of State.
- Mackenzie, Dr. Melville D., Special Commissioner of League of Nations to Kru Coast, Liberia.
- McLachlan, D. W., Canadian Member, International Joint Board of Engineers on St. Lawrence Waterway Project.
- McMullen, Lieutenant Colonel Joseph I., Chairman, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Madariaga, Salvador de, Spanish Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Malmar, Knut Karl Folke, Chief, Legal Section, Swedish Foreign Office.
- Marich, Milan, Official, Anglo-Yugoslav Petrol Company (Shell).
- Marinkovich, Vojislav, President, Yugoslav Council of Ministers, to July 3; Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Markham, Colonel Edward Murphy, Divisional Engineer in charge of Great Lakes Division, River and Harbor Improvements, Corps of Engineers, War Department.
- Marlatt, C. L., Chairman, Federal Horticultural Board; Associate Chief, Bureau of Entomology, Department of Agriculture.
- Mayer, Ferdinand Lothrop, Counselor of Embassy in Belgium.
- Meissner, Otto L. E., Chief, Reich President’s Office.
- Merkys, Anton, Governor of Memel Territory.
- Merriam, Gordon P., Third Secretary of Legation in Egypt.
- Meyer, Richard, in charge of Eastern European and Scandinavian Affairs, German Foreign Office.
- Michalakopoulos, Andreas, Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Mills, Odgen Livingston, Secretary of the Treasury.
- Mirto, Edouard, Rumanian Minister of Public Works and Communications.
- Mistler, Jean, French Under Secretary of State for Fine Arts.
- Mitchell, Charles Edward, Minister to Liberia.
- Mitchell, General Charles Hamilton, Canadian Member, International Joint Board of Engineers on St. Lawrence Waterway Project.
- Mohorich, Ivan, Yugoslav Minister of Commerce and Industry.
- Mohr, Otto Carl, Chief, Political Economy Section, Danish Foreign Office.
- Møller-Nielsen, C., Member, Danish Exchange Control Board.
- Moraht, Dr. Hans, German Minister to Lithuania.
- More, Colonel, British Political Agent in Koweit.
- Moret, Clement, Governor, Banque de France.
- Mouchanoff, Nicolaus, Bulgarian Prime Minister; Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Mussolini, Benito, Italian Prime Minister (II Duce), 1922–44.
- Newton, Lieutenant Colonel Henry, British Inventor, mortar and grenade devices.
- Nubar Pasha, Egyptian Prime Minister, 1878–79; 1884–88; 1894–95.
- Oliphant, Sir Lancelot, British Assistant Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Oliván, Julio Lopez, Political Director, Spanish Foreign Office.
- Osborne, Francis D’Arcy Godolphin, Counselor of British Embassy in United States.
- Page, Frank Copeland, Vice President, International Telephone and Telegraph Company.
- Papen, Franz von, German Chancellor, June 2–November 17.
- Perietzeano, Jean, Rumanian Minister of Public Works and Communications.
- Peroutkas, František, Chief, Department of Foreign Trade, Czech Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
- Phenix, Spencer, Assistant to Under Secretary of State, 1927.
- Phillips, William, Minister to Canada, 1927–29.
- Piétri, François, French Minister of the Budget.
- Pratt, Admiral William Veazie, Chief of Naval Operations, U. S. Navy.
- Preston, A. S., British Judge, Mixed Court of First Instance, Cairo, Egypt.
- Preston, Thomas Hildebrand, British Chargé in Lithuania.
- Prieto y Tuero, Indalecio, Spanish Minister of Public Works.
- Prittwitz und Gaffron, Friedrich W. von, German Ambassador to United States.
- Puaux, Gabriel, French Minister to Rumania.
- Rankin, Karl Lott, Commercial Attaché in Czechoslovakia.
- Rappaport, Representative of Universal Pictures in Austria.
- Reagan, Daniel J., Assistant Commercial Attaché in France.
- Reber, Samuel, Jr., U. S. Representative, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Reizgys, Martynas, Member of All-Lithuanian Directorate for Memel Territory; Leader, Memel Territory Party.
- Renthe-Fink, Cecil von, Member of League of Nations Political Section in charge of Liberian Affairs.
- Reybold, Major Eugene, U. S. Representative, Niagara River Control Board.
- Rhallys, Jean, Greek Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Richardson, Gardner, Commercial Attaché in Austria and Yugoslavia.
- Riley, Commander, British Inventor, mine and depth charge devices.
- Rintelen, Dr. Anton, Austrian Minister of Public Instruction.
- Ristelhuerer, René, French Minister to Lithuania.
- Ritter, Karl, Chief, Economic Section, German Foreign Office.
- Rock, Captain Logan Norman, Madrid Representative, International Telephone and Telegraph Company.
- Rollin, Louis, French Minister of Commerce.
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, President-elect of the United States; Governor, State of New York.
- Rosso, Augusto, Italian Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Rugg, Charles B., Assistant Attorney General; Legal Adviser and Member, Commission for Adjustment of British Claims.
- Russell, F. A. K., Member, special commission to investigate alleged Kru Coast outrages.
- Rydings, Douglas Gerald, British Consul General at Monrovia.
- Sackett, Frederic Mosley, Ambassador to Germany.
- Saint-Quentin, Count René Daynel, Chief, African and Levant Department, French Foreign Office; Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Sasscer, E. R., Department of Agriculture Representative, Spanish trade hearings.
- Schleicher, General Kurt von, German Minister for Reichswehr, June 1; Chancellor, December 2, 1932–January 28, 1933.
- Schmidt, Boatswain Karl, Commanding Officer, U. S. Coast Guard Patrol CG–145.
- Schmidt, Rudolph, Danish Importer, American radio sets.
- Schober, Johann, Austrian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Schwerin von Krosigk, Count Ludwig, Chief, Budget Department, German Ministry of Finance; Minister of Finance, June 2.
- Severing, Wilhelm Karl, Prussian Minister of Interior.
- Shantz, Harold, Second Secretary of Legation in Liberia.
- Shepperd, Thomas S., Representative of Ulen and Company, in Greece.
- Shebman, Commander, British Inventor, mine and depth charge devices.
- Shvblyuga, Stanko, Yugoslav Minister of Finance.
- Sidky Pasha, Ismail, Egyptian Prime Minister.
- Simaitis, Edward, President, All-Lithuanian Directorate for Memel Territory.
- Simon, Sir John, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Simopoulos, Charalambos, Greek Minister to United States.
- Skinner, Robert P., Minister to Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.
- Sloan, Alexander K., Chargé in Iraq.
- Sottile, Dr. Antoine, Liberian Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Srshkich, Milan, President, Yugoslav Council of Ministers.
- Stafford, Maurice L., Consul and First Secretary of Legation in Lithuania.
- Stimson, Henry L., Secretary of State.
- Stowell, Ellery Cory, appointed U. S. Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt, 1921.
- Strasser, Gregor, Member, National Socialist German Workers’ Party.
- Stratos, G., Greek Minister of Communications.
- Strawn, Silas Hardy, Lawyer; Chairman, American Committee, and Vice President, International Chamber of Commerce.
- Sugimura, Yodaro, Under Secretary General, League of Nations.
- Sussdorff, Louis, Jr., Counselor of Legation in Rumania.
- Swan, Thomas Walter, Judge, U. S. Circuit Court, 2d Circuit.
- Swift, Merritt, First Secretary of Legation in Austria.
- Tandler, Julius, Professor of Anatomy, University of Vienna; Anatomical Institute.
- Tardieu, André President, French Council of Ministers, February–June; Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Thälmann, Ernst, Communist candidate, German Presidential election.
- Thaw, Benjamin, Jr., First Secretary of Embassy in Great Britain.
- Thompson, Geoffrey Harington, American and African Department, British Foreign Office, 1930.
- Tönisson, Jaan, Estonian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Toepke, Dr. Otto G. A., German Consul General in Memel.
- Toliszus, J., Member, All-Lithuanian Directorate for Memel Territory.
- Travell, Winthrop A., Chairman of special commission to investigate alleged Kru Coast outrages.
- Trochon, M., French Director General of Taxation.
- Trombetta, Domenico, President, Lichtor Federation, official Fascist organization in United States.
- Tsaldaris, Panagis, Greek Prime Minister, November 1932–January 1933.
- Tubelis, Juozas, Lithuanian Prime Minister.
- Tuck, Somerville P., U. S. Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt, 1908–20.
- Undén, Bo östen, Legal Adviser on International Law, Swedish Foreign Office.
- Usborne, Vice Admiral Cecil Vivian, Director of British Naval Intelligence, 1930–32; Inventor, marine mine protection device.
- Vaida-Voevod, Alexandru, Rumanian Prime Minister, 1919–20.
- Valcovici, Victor, Rumanian Minister of Public Works and Communications.
- Vallance, William Roy, Assistant to the Solicitor, Department of State.
- Vansittart, Sir Robert Gilbert, British Permanent Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.
- Vabvabessos, Kyriakos, Greek Minister of Finance.
- Vaux, Richard A., British Judge, Mixed Court of Appeals, Egypt; President, November 1.
- Venizelos, Eleutherios, Greek Prime Minister, to November.
- Wadsted, Otto, Danish Minister to United States.
- Walker, A. V., President, Standard Oil Company of Yugoslavia.
- Wallace, Dr. Benjamin B., Chief, Division of International Relations, United States Tariff Commission.
- Watchoff, Constantin, Chief, Consular Section, Bulgarian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
- Weizsäcker, Baron Ernst von, German Member, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Wendel, Guy de, French Politician and Industrialist.
- Widding, Erik, League of Nations Member, Memel Harbor Board.
- Wiehl, E., Commercial Section, German Foreign Office.
- Wiley, John Cooper, Counselor of Embassy in Germany, to May 26; in Spain, June 1.
- Winship, North, Counselor of Legation in Denmark.
- Wrong, Hume H., Counselor of Canadian Legation in United States.
- Yeftich, Bogolyub, Yugoslav Foreign Minister.
- Yehia Pasha, Abdel Fattah, Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Yencken, Arthur Ferdinand, First Secretary of British Embassy in Germany.
- Youngquist, Gustaf Aaron, Assistant Attorney General.
- Zaleski, Auguste, Polish Minister for Foreign Affairs; rapporteur, League of Nations Committee on Liberia.
- Zaunius, Davos, Lithuanian Minister for Foreign Affairs.
- Zulueta y Escolano, Luis de, Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs.