
The Chief of the Division of Latin American Affairs (Thurston) to the Assistant Secretary of State (White)

Mr. White: For your information when you talk with General Matthews, and later with Mr. Hanna, you are informed that as of September 1, 1931, the total United States military representation in Nicaragua was as follows:

2nd Brigade 27
Aircraft Squadrons 4
Nicaraguan National Guard 25
Marine Corps:
2nd Brigade 513
Aircraft Squadrons 241
Nicaraguan National Guard 195
Total 1005

[Page 859]

This is, of course, 500 above the figure which our press release of February45 said would be left in Nicaragua after the reduction then contemplated should have been completed. I thought there were only about 800 men left.

Walter C. Thurston
  1. See telegram No. 16, February 14, to the Minister in Nicaragua, p. 844.