817.00 Bandit Activities, 1931/36: Telegram
The Vice Consul at Bluefields (Rowe) to the Secretary of State
[Received 11:55 p.m.]
I have complied with instructions in your telegram April 16, 6 p.m.15 In reply to my telegram Bragman, an officer, telegraphed as follows: [Page 809]
“Your message April 17th received. Accordingly all Americans evacuating their homes and business Puerto Cabezas first available transportation.”
Guardia Commander at Puerto Cabezas telegraphs that in his opinion if naval vessel is permitted to remain there normal conditions will return but in case of evacuation of Americans a concerted uprising of unemployed and natives would occur which would be entirely beyond control of the Guardia. He adds that the British Consul at Puerto Cabezas has applied to the British Minister at Managua for protection. With the exception of Puerto Cabezas quiet prevails along the coast and no disturbances have been reported since yesterday. Bluefields Guardia officers have returned from Puerto Cabezas. U. S. S. Sacramento arrived at Bluefields this morning.…
- See last sentence of the telegram supra.↩