817.48 Earthquake of 1931/19: Telegram
The President of the Pan American Airways, Inc. (J. T. Trippe), to the Secretary of State
[Received 3:15 p.m.]
Radio dispatches received last night from our representative Managua confirm extent catastrophe and indicate epidemic threatening account failure water supply. As the American Air Transport Company operating in foreign field, in view seriousness disaster, I feel it is duty and obligation Pan American Airways rush all its available aircraft to Managua to assist relief work. These aircraft are being placed without cost at disposal Minister Hanna and Director Swift, American Red Cross, on his arrival. American citizens and other urgent cases designated by Hanna and Swift will be carried without chargé to Costa Rica, Honduras and Salvador. On return flights [Page 786] full capacity this equipment will be available to transport relief personnel and supplies to Managua made available by Governor Canal Zone, Presidents Mexico, Cuba and Central American countries. Special plane left Miami this morning direct for Managua carrying supplies. Other proceeding from Brownsville and Canal Zone. Plane carrying Red Cross Director Ernest Swift will leave tomorrow morning immediately following arrival his train Miami. I expect to have at least six Pan American special transport planes at Managua before tomorrow afternoon. We are anxious cooperate with all Government agencies in relief work. Have taken liberty of advising Minister Hanna direct in order that he may make his plans regarding evacuation needy cases before arrival our first relief plane this morning. Our second and third ships should arrive Managua this afternoon. You may wish to advise Red Cross and Federal departments interested.