817.48 Earthquake of 1931/21: Telegram

The Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State

Guardia searching ruins for dead. Two hundred have been buried already. Due to extent of ruins it probably will be some time before all are found. Every precaution will be taken to avoid danger from this source. Utmost energy will be directed toward restoring regular water supply which probably will be taken from Lake Managua instead of volcanic lagoon where pumps are buried and work is dangerous on account of continued landslides. In the meantime every [Page 784] available source of water is being utilized and every effort being made to maintain purity of water. Water problem considered the most serious at present. Regular water source not probable for 10 days. The Guardia medical department cooperating with other Government agencies will take chargé of sanitary work in city at large with particular reference to the disposal of refuse. Brigade fed 4,000 people this noon on La Loma Field and it is expected that this number will increase steadily until refugees can be evacuated to nearby towns. In the present emergency it is recommended that measures for evacuation of Marines from Managua be postponed temporarily. Situation may improve so as to permit of evacuation on schedule. It is recommended that six Red Cross nurses be rushed to Managua to care for women patients. In so far as is possible wounded Nicaraguans are being evacuated to hospitals in other cities.

Your 25, 31st., Mr. Swift will arrive here tomorrow. In the absence of instructions to the contrary I will continue to coordinate American relief measures and to cooperate in such measures with the Nicaraguan Government.
