411.12 Gomez and Rubio/4
The Mexican Chargé (Herrera de Huerta) to the Secretary of State
Mr. Secretary: This Embassy has just been informed that the Mexican youths, Manuel García Gómez and Emilio Cortéz Rubio, the latter being a nephew of the President of Mexico, were shot dead by a traffic policeman in the environs of Armour [Ardmore], State of Oklahoma, this morning. These youths were on their way to Mexico in an automobile and there is nothing to lead one to suppose that there occurred [any] provocation on their part justifying the action of the traffic policeman who caused their death.
I beg Your Excellency very courteously to be good enough to interpose your influence with the appropriate authorities to the end that as soon as possible the necessary investigation be made to establish the responsibilities which may be involved in this case.
I avail myself [etc.]