837.00/2958: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Cuba (Guggenheim)

27. Your despatch No. 513 of January 16. Please investigate thoroughly and discreetly whether prisoners have been arrested without formality of law; whether prisoners are being detained without commitment or judgment of court; whether prisoners are being detained more than 10 days without delivery to court; whether citizens are being exiled or expelled from country; whether citizens are being compelled to reside greater distance than 120 kilometers from domicile; whether property of prisoners is being confiscated. Advise number of persons in several categories. See Articles 20 and 40 to 42 of Constitution10 and Military Order No. 427 of October 15, 1900.11

Please cable reply as soon as possible.

  1. Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, February 21, 1901 (Translation), British and Foreign State Papers, vol. xciv, p. 554.
  2. Translation of the Law of Criminal Procedure for Cuba and Porto Rico (with Spanish text), etc. (Washington, Government Printing Office, 1901), p. 322.