882.5048/391a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Liberia (Reber)
6. On January 9 the Liberian representative at Geneva, Sottile, saw Minister Wilson at Berne to propose that they carry on all the negotiations concerning the Liberian question and to request United States financial assistance or, failing that, support by the United States of the Liberian Government’s endeavor to obtain a loan under League of Nations auspices.
The British Ambassador on January 10 called at the Department and stated that his Government hoped a request for action would be made by Liberia of the League Council at the forthcoming meeting. Sir Ronald Lindsay was informed that such action could not be urged by this Government upon the Liberian Government, but that the latter would be informed by you that you had heard of its contemplated request for advice and assistance from the League Council to carry out the International Commission’s recommendations and that this Government would not have any objection to this being done by Liberia.
The Minister in Switzerland has been informed that there does not seem to be an adequate reason to consider Sottile’s proposal and that instructions are being sent you in the matter.