033.6511 Grandi, Dino/2: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Edge)
476. Embassy’s 631, noon, 3d of October. For Ambassador Garrett. I authorize you to inform the Minister for Foreign Affairs that a written invitation will be sent to him as soon as you are definitely aware that an acceptance will be forthcoming. In that event your note should be based on the following:32
“I have been instructed by the Secretary of State to inform you that he would be most happy if it were convenient for you to make a visit to the United States. He would be pleased to take this occasion to present you to the President of the United States who has expressed gratification at the prospect of seeing you. Both the President and the Secretary of State feel that such an opportunity for personal acquaintance and discussion would be of the greatest value.”
You will kindly add, orally, a statement indicating my personal pleasure at the opportunity of renewing our friendship which such a visit would furnish.
You should also tell Grandi that, when he desires to make public his plans, a statement in the following sense will be issued to the press:32
“Following a hope expressed to Signor Grandi by the Secretary of State when he was in Italy last summer, the Secretary has extended an invitation to Signor Grandi to visit the United States and has been informed that Signor Grandi proposes to sail from Naples for New York on November 7. He plans to spend 10 days in the United States returning to Italy on November 27. The President would have been pleased to have received the Chief of the Italian Government but [Page 645] knowing that he could not avail himself of such an invitation the Secretary of State has expressed to the Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs the pleasure it would give him if he would visit Washington.”
You should inform the Department with regard to Grandi’s plans. Allow sufficient time for press release arrangements to be made between the Department and your Embassy before any public statements are issued.