
The Italian Ambassador (De Martino) to the Acting Secretary of State

My Dear Mr. Castle: I want to call your attention on the closing paragraph of the article published in the November 29th issue of the radical paper Il Martello, entitled “Civilta’ Fascista”. A copy and translation of this paragraph is herewith enclosed.

You will see that this paragraph contains a clear instigation to murder: which confirms once more the dangerous character of the publications of said paper.

You will, I believe, agree with me that publications of this sort are an insult and a menace to the Chief of a Government which entertains cordial relations with the United States, not only, but they represent beyond doubt, an encouragement to crime.

I would, therefore, be very grateful to you for considering what measures could be taken against Il Martello so that its criminal propaganda may be stopped.

Believe me [etc.]

G. de Martino

Excerpt From the Issue of November 29th, 1930, of the Italian Radical Paper “II Martello” Published in New York

Article entitled “Civilta’ Fascista” on the first page (last paragraph)

“Lo abbiamo detto tante volte, e lo ripetiamo: uceidefe il fascismo nelle persone dei suoi responsabili e’ Opera Santa. Per PItalia, per il monde intero”.


“We have said it so many times and we repeat it: to kill fascism in the persons of those responsible for it is a Holy Work. For Italy, for the whole world”.