365.1121 Slavich, Nickola/19: Telegram

The Ambassador in Italy (Garrett) to the Acting Secretary of State

141. My telegram No. 138, July 27, 3 p.m. last paragraph. Slavich was released from prison last night and is expected to leave for Yugoslavia at once.

In view of the representations which have already been made in connection with these cases as outlined in my telegram No. 138, July [Page 634] 27, 3 p.m., and as I am assured that the Italian authorities are earnestly endeavoring to adopt measures to prevent such cases from developing in the future, I would strongly advise against sending at this moment the note which has been prepared in accordance with the Department’s instruction No. 118, July 25, 3 p.m., and which has been held for a few days on the chance of Grandi’s returning to Rome so that I might present it personally to him. As soon as possible after Grandi’s return I shall see him, and am sure that by talking with him it will be possible to clarify this situation further on the basis of the principles involved, without giving the Foreign Office opportunities to engage in correspondence relating to the facts of special cases which it might be inclined to do if the note were sent.
