815.00 Revolutions/22: Telegram
The Minister in Honduras (Lay) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:33 p.m.]
69. Department’s telegram number 27, April 22, 7 p.m. The Honduran Minister of War has withdrawn unreasonable order issued yesterday to Fruit Company to place from April 22 all their sea, land and air vehicles at disposal of the Government and instead has agreed to arrangement with the United Fruit Company to use these vehicles only when essential for immediate military needs and to pay for their use. The United Fruit Company leased the S. S. Comayagua to Government for transport of troops from Ceiba to Puerto Cortes today. Further troop movements by vessels probably not necessary. Company leasing trains to Government when essential, carrying officers in their airplanes between Tegucigalpa and north coast and aiding Government every reasonable way.