815.00 Revolutions/2: Telegram

The Minister in Honduras (Lay) to the Secretary of State

58. American Consuls Puerto Castilla and Ceiba report persistent rumors of imminent uprising their districts and that General Ferrera has given orders start uprisings immediately. My information, obtained while at San Pedro Sula recently, headquarters Ferrera, and since then here, is that Ferrera would not wish to be associated with pillage and riot by unemployed and without a leader like Ferrera these riots not likely to grow into revolutionary movement. Nevertheless the serious unrest on northern coast especially in Ceiba and Truxillo districts due principally to unemployment may easily result next few days in riots and attacks on Americans and get beyond control available Honduran forces which are now being slightly increased. American women and children in Truxillo district have been concentrated at Castilla as a precaution. Have discussed situation with President Mejia Colindres who says that he has no money for ample forces subdue general uprising. He expressed the hope that an American warship could make a courtesy visit to the north coast immediately, calling first at Ceiba then at Castilla or Truxillo. I believe that such a visit at this time would, like those last year, have excellent deterrent effect and could be announced as periodical courtesy visit.
