838.51/2339: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Haiti (McGurk)

75. Your No. 119, October 2, noon. As stated in the Department’s No. 72, 8 p.m.,62 the Department will not be able to recognize as effective any budget legislation, including the integral laws of ways and means and the law of the expenditures, which, in addition to other unacceptable features, contains the objectionable and obviously inaccurate statements embodied in the preambles of the above mentioned laws. The Department does not perceive why the Haitian Government deems it necessary or desirable to publish the budget as it has been voted, since certain changes will have to be made in the budget and accompanying laws to bring it into a form which will be acceptable. On the contrary, it would appear that the Haitian Government could save itself embarrassment by refraining from publishing any budget until an accord has been reached concerning it with the office of the Financial Adviser. You may at your discretion repeat the sense of the above to the appropriate authorities.

  1. Dated September 29, p. 527.