368.117/269: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Greece (Fisher)
23. Legation’s despatch No. 1158, November 26, 1929, the Department suggests the advisability at this time of ascertaining whether the Greek Government would be willing to permit during the year 1931 American citizens of Greek origin, both naturalized and American born, to visit Greece without molestation on account of alleged military obligations. You may state, while making such inquiries, that it is the feeling of the Department that it is necessary to give appropriate publicity to the matter in this country, in order that plans for the coming year 1931 may be made by prospective visitors.
Should a suitable occasion be presented, you may, in your discretion, informally mention the matter to Prime Minister Venizelos and express to him this Government’s appreciation of the Greek Government’s good will as shown in the arrangement arrived at during 1930 and the hope of finding a way to effect a similar arrangement during [Page 387] 1931. At the same time it might be desirable to point out that not only would a certain relatively small class of American citizens naturally benefit by such an arrangement, but the Greek people as a whole would benefit by reason of the encouragement given by it to such organized excursions and other visits to Greece as took place in 1930.