
The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador (Lindsay)

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of August 18, 1930, referring to previous correspondence on the subject of a treaty to be concluded between this Government and the Sultan of Muscat for the purpose of modifying the provisions of Article III of the treaty of 1833 between the two Parties, and asking to be furnished with a draft of the proposed new treaty.

In reply, I take pleasure in transmitting herewith the draft of a treaty, as requested, which this Government is prepared to enter into with the Sultan of Muscat.

Accept [etc.]

H. L. Stimson
[Page 367]

Draft Treaty Between the United States and Muscat

The United States of America and His Highness the Sultan of Muscat have resolved to conclude a treaty modifying the provisions of Article III of the treaty of amity and commerce concluded September 21, 1833, and to that end have appointed as their plenipotentiaries:

The President of the United States of America: His Highness the Sultan of Muscat:

Who, after communicating to each other their full powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following articles:

Article I

The third article of the treaty of amity and commerce of September 21, 1833, between the United States of America and the Sultan of Muscat, is hereby amended, in so far as the State of Muscat and Oman is concerned, so as to read as follows:

3. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the importation into or the disposition in Muscat and Oman of any article which is the produce or manufacture of the United States of America, its territories or possessions, than are or shall be imposed on the importation or disposition of like articles which are the produce or manufacture of any other country. No higher or other duties shall be imposed on the exportation of any article from Muscat and Oman to the United States of America, its territories or possessions, than are or shall be payable on the exportation of like articles to any other country. Any advantage of whatsoever kind which may be enjoyed in Muscat and Oman by nationals of any other country in respect of commerce, navigation, residence and establishment, taxation, the administration of justice, and the prospecting for and utilization of natural resources, shall be extended unconditionally to nationals of the United States of America, its territories and possessions.

Article II

This treaty shall be ratified in conformity with the laws of the respective countries, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at . . . . . . . as soon as possible. Immediately upon such exchange, the language above specified shall become effective as a provision of the treaty of September 21, 1833, and shall have the same force as the other articles of that treaty.

[Page 368]

In witness whereof, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed this treaty and have affixed their seals thereto.

Done at . . . . . . . . in duplicate, this . . . . . . . . . . day of . . . . . . . . . . , one thousand nine hundred and . . . . . . . .