811.111 Colleges 62/56

The German Ambassador (Von Prittwitz) to the Secretary of State

VI W 9435

Mr. Secretary of State: By direction of my Government, I have the honor to submit the following suggestion to Your Excellency. The German Government is convinced that, like the institution of exchange students, that of industrial students is also eminently calculated to strengthen the relations between Germany and the United States. Feeling conscious that the United States Government shares this view, my Government has instructed me to convey to Your Excellency its wish to have German industrial students sent by the Government to the United States. These students, whose number should not exceed 25, would be senior students selected with special care, who have already finished their German high school studies up to a certain grade, and taken up a course in some special field of industry, agriculture, or mining. The period of their sojourn in the United States, which would serve not only to increase their theoretical knowledge but also and particularly to acquaint them with the practical side of life, should not exceed two years.

With respect to the practical details connected with the sending of the students to the United States, my Government proposes the following arrangement:

The names of the students to be sent would be furnished by the Foreign Office to the American Embassy at Berlin so that the American consulates in Germany might be duly informed.
After the visas have been granted by the American consulates in Germany (section 3/I, Immigration Act of 192472), the German Embassy [Page 335] at Washington would indicate to the Department of State the place and time of arrival of the students as well as the localities to which and the mode in which they are to be assigned in the United States.
The Department of State would be kept posted by the Embassy regarding changes of residence of the students.
The place and time of departure of students would likewise be indicated by the Embassy to the Department of State.
The Embassy would give a guarantee that the periods of sojourn granted to the students would be strictly observed.

My Government would be highly gratified if the United States Government decided to consent to its proposal.

Pursuant to instructions I wish also to offer Your Excellency full reciprocity with respect to the establishment of this institution of official sending of industrial students.

In begging Your Excellency to notify me of the decision of the United States Government as soon as possible, I avail myself [etc.]

F. Von Prittwitz
  1. 43 Stat. 153.