884.512 Consumption/24
The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Great Britain (Atherton)
The Acting Secretary of State refers to the Embassy’s despatch No. 2011 of June 11, 1931,16 transmitting a copy of a note dated June 10, 1931, from the Foreign Office with regard to the proposed modification of the Franco-Ethiopian Treaty of January 10, 1908, and encloses a copy of despatch No. 748 of June 22, 1931, from the American Minister Resident at Addis Ababa18 in further reference to this subject.
It will be observed from the last mentioned despatch that the British Minister at Addis Ababa has informed the Minister Resident that his Government has adopted a new attitude toward this matter, which in some respects appears to be inconsistent with its position as set forth in the Foreign Office note of June 10, 1931. The Acting Secretary of State would be glad to receive any information which may be available regarding the new attitude which the British Government is reported to have adopted.