816.01/6: Telegram

The Chargé in Costa Rica (Werlich) to the Secretary of State

56. Department’s 40, December 4, 5 p.m.,9 received via Tegucigalpa 3:30 p.m. today. Minister for Foreign Affairs of Costa Rica informs me no recognition has been requested of Costa Rica by new Salvadoran authorities but President of Costa Rica has received and not answered telegram from Martínez informing him of assumption of power; also that Costa Rica will take no step in respect of recognition until request has been received. He refused to commit himself [Page 177] to me in respect of eventual Costa Rican attitude but stated his complete knowledge of stipulations 1923 treaty.

Antonio Alvarez Vidachengre, Salvadoran Minister to Costa Rica, has informed me that he has refused to communicate with new Salvadoran authorities. He states he has received assurances from Foreign Minister of Costa Rica that this country will not recognize new authorities.

  1. See footnote 8, p. 173.