683.003/33: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Egypt (Jardine)


73. Reference your 111, December 16, 8 p.m. Although under the terms of the Legation’s note dated February 16, 1930, to the Egyptian Minister for Foreign Affairs,22 second paragraph, second sentence, it might be possible to make representations respecting the new rates of duty, it is considered by the Department that unless a clear case exists of discrimination against American products it would not be desirable to do so.

The United States Government would not desire to take the lead in questioning Egypt’s right, under treaty, custom and usage, to change its tariff rates without consulting the powers which enjoy capitulatory privileges, but should it be decided by other capitulatory powers to press this issue the Department would be willing to consider the possible making of similar representations.

In your conversations with colleagues you may discreetly use the above information. The Department wishes in this connection to have the views of the other capitulatory powers, as they may be developed in your conversations, reported in full in regard to the legal phase of this question.

  1. See telegram No. 15, February 15, 1930, 4 p.m. to the Minister in Egypt, Foreign Relations, 1930, vol. ii, p. 743.