The Dominican Minister (Brache) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: On the occasion of the visit which Commissioner Despradel and myself had the honor to make to the Department of State last Thursday, the 5th instant, Your Excellency cordially expressed your intention of giving your personal attention to the matter of the ratification of the authorization granted by the Convention of December 27, 1924,4 for the $5,000,000 loan we now seek, as well as to the proposal of The J. G. White Engineering Corporation, of New York, the approval of which we solicited in our memorandum dated January 31.
As your assistant, Mr. Miller, at the request of Your Excellency, promised to render to you his report on the subject the following day (the 6th instant), I venture to respectfully request an answer regarding this vital subject, in which my Government and my people are so deeply interested, because of the urgent problems which we must solve, and which were especially aggravated as a consequence of the damage done us by the hurricane of last September 3rd.5
Last Saturday Mr. Gann, legal advisor to our Legation, advised me that he had been informed by the Honorable Francis White, Assistant Secretary of State, that Your Excellency had taken with you to New York all of the papers relating to our case so that you could give it your personal attention, and for this kindly, friendly act, I am, my dear Mr. Secretary, most grateful and wish to express my sincere appreciation.
At the same time I wish to take advantage of this opportunity to congratulate you upon the fine speech you made before the Council of Foreign Relations, in New York, last Friday night. All of the Latin American countries have a vital interest in the pronouncements of each of the American political parties touching upon their Latin American policy, and your recent speech will prove of the keenest interest to them.
With assurances [etc.]