360c.1121 Fedoryszyn, Justyn/50

Memorandum by the Assistant Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Packer)

The Counselor of the Polish Embassy, Mr. Lepkowski, telephoned this afternoon to say that he had just received a telegram from the Foreign Office at Warsaw in which it was stated that the demands of the American Government in the Fedoryszyn case had been acceded to and that the lieutenant in question was being court-martialed. Mr. Lepkowski said that it was appreciated that no publicity had been given to this matter and hoped that no publicity would be given to it. I told him that I thought it unlikely that publicity would be given to the case, but that the matter was, of course, one in which the Secretary himself had taken a personal interest and was for his ultimate decision. Mr. Lepkowski expressed the hope that the Secretary might be informed of the Embassy’s interest in this matter.

E. L. P[acker]