811.841 Poland/11

The Polish Ambassador (Patek) to the Secretary of State


Sir: Referring to the exchange of notes which took place in 1930, between the Polish Government and the Government of the United States relative to the mutual recognition of the tonnage measurement of ships, I have the honor to enclose herewith a copy, with a certified translation, of the Proclamation, dated July 10, 1930, issued by the Minister of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Poland.

The said Proclamation, which is published in the official Monitor Polski of July 22, 1930, No. 167, pos. 254, states that the Polish merchant marine authorities recognize the tonnage measurement certificates of the sea-going merchant vessels of the United States of North America equally with Polish certificates.

Accept [etc.]

S. Patek

Proclamation of the Minister of Industry and Commerce of July 10, 1930

in the matter of recognizing by Polish merchant marine authorities of tonnage measurement certificates of merchant vessels of the United States of North America.

Be it known that, in accordance with the agreement, concluded between the Polish Government and the Government of the United States of North America by way of an exchange of notes, to wit the note of the Polish Government dated January 17, 1930, and the note of the Government of the United States dated March 4 [14], 1930,—the Polish merchant marine authorities recognize the tonnage measurement certificates of the sea-going merchant vessels of the United States of North America equally with Polish certificates.

Minister of Industry and Commerce:
(—) E. Kwiatkowski

I herewith certify that the original and the translation are substantially in agreement.

Z. Klimpel

Secretary of Embassy