823.00 Revolutions/5: Telegram

The Chargé in Peru (Mayer) to the Secretary of State

146. 1. Puno, where Army division, and Cuzco and Camana, on coast north Mollendo have joined revolt. Two out of four army divisions therefore now in it. Anti-Government demonstrations understood to be taking place in the north but no active revolt as yet. A meeting of generals in Lima was held this afternoon at which I understand from reliable source it was decided that President Leguia must go.

2. New military Cabinet taking office, expected this will be headed by General Martinez and include naval officers as well. Minister of Foreign Affairs to be Admiral Olivera (in this connection please see my reports re his opposition to naval mission).

3. Understood on reliable authority that old Cabinet forced to resign when recommended this morning President Leguia resign. Unconfirmed reports from several sources that President Leguia resigning and Cabinet taking over authority pending elections.

4. Against orders of Admiral Pye, Captain Grow2 yesterday flew to Arequipa to assist in distribution of propaganda from the air to rebels; understand this was at President’s personal request. Grow captured this morning at Camana. Although greatly displeased at Grow’s action making effort, of course, to obtain assurance of his safety, at wife’s request, and to convey informally to revolutionists through Blaisdell at Arequipa the Embassy’s interest in Grow’s well-being.

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5. Plane of Faucett Aviation Company, Peruvian corporation, seized at Arequipa and understand being flown by rebels; Faucett believed also in Arequipa. Am making inquiries in this regard.

6. Anti-Government demonstrations now going on in Lima with increasing crowds and excitement, police being concentrated.

  1. A reserve officer on inactive duty under private contract with the Peruvian Government. He resigned from the United States Navy in December, 1926, when a member of the United States Naval Mission to Peru, in order to sign a private contract as Director General of Peruvian Aviation.