817.00 Johnson Electoral Mission/106
The Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 20.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that I informed Captain Johnson concerning the matter of the municipal situation in Chontales and elsewhere in this Republic as instructed in the Department’s telegram No. 106 of October 8, 1 P.M.
The Department is now aware from my air mail despatch No. 184 of October 214 that this incident was terminated on September 27. Consequently Captain Johnson was entirely in accord with me that it was not necessary to cable the Department in the matter as suggested [Page 654] in the last sentence of the Department’s telegram under reference. We agreed, however, that it would be well to make clear to the Conservative leaders the views of the Department, and I have just explained the Department’s views as set forth in the telegram to Don Adolfo Diaz. He indicated his accord with the Department’s views and expressed himself as confident that the situation will not prevent the Electoral Mission from guaranteeing entirely free elections. He is not satisfied, naturally, with the existing municipal situation in the five departments concerned and expressed the hope that a way may be found to correct it.
Captain Johnson has just forwarded me for my information a letter dated October 10 which was presented to him by the Conservative member of the National Board of Elections. The purpose of the letter appears to be to complete the record in this matter. It reviews the attitude of the Conservative Party and concludes with the following statement in translation: “In view of the unbreakable determination of the President of the Republic, General José María Moncada, to prevent by all means at his disposal the free exercise of the suffrage by the Conservative Party, and to nullify the action of the American Electoral Mission which has come to the country with the exclusive object of giving free, just and honest elections to the Nicaraguan people, I make known the disagreement of the party I represent and disclaim responsibility for whatever may result from any action that the National and Legal Board of the Conservative Party may take”. I have suggested to Captain Johnson in reply that he may desire to take exception to the statement that President Moncada’s attitude in this matter will nullify the action of the American Electoral Mission.
Respectfully yours,
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