817.00 Johnson Electoral Mission/72: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna)
84. Legation’s 103, August 13, 4 p.m., and 107, August 15, 3 p.m. Please inform Captain Johnson that the Department is in entire agreement with his views respecting the conditions under which the cooperation of the Government of the United States in the conduct of the impending Nicaraguan congressional elections should be effected.
The Department infers from the penultimate paragraph of your telegram No. 103 and your later telegram No. 107 that you and Captain Johnson consider the immediate situation to be satisfactory. If this is not the fact, however, or should later developments make such action seem desirable, you are authorized again to remind President Moneada of the serious responsibility which this Government has [Page 651] assumed by extending its cooperation to the Government of Nicaragua in connection with its electoral problems, and that it is essential that the conditions under which this cooperation is carried out shall be such as to preclude the possibility of serious challenge in the future.