817.00/6618: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Hanna)

41. Legation’s 55, May 10, noon. The Department is releasing today for publication tomorrow the following statement respecting the impending Nicaraguan congressional elections.

“Before the Nicaraguan Presidential elections of 1928, the candidates of the two contending parties agreed by an exchange of letters6 that the one who was successful would request the supervision of the next following Presidential election by the Government of the United States.

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Shortly after his inauguration President Moncada addressed a formal communication to the Government of the United States7 stating that the Government of Nicaragua ‘being desirous of laying the foundation for peace in the Republic in a firm and stable manner, by the practice of free institutions, has arrived at an agreement with the Honorable Supreme Court of Justice, by which this High Tribunal, in the exercise of the powers which are conferred on it by the Electoral Law of March 20, 1923, will appoint a citizen of the United States of America, previously designated by His Excellency the President of the United States, as President of the National Board of Elections, in order to assure complete impartiality of this official, and as the primary part of a general plan aiming at the attainment of truly free elections in the future,’ and requesting the designation of the American who should serve in this capacity.

In accordance with the desires of the Government of Nicaragua the President has now designated Captain Alfred Wilkinson Johnson, United States Navy, for appointment by the Nicaraguan Supreme Court as President of the National Board of Elections.

It is contemplated that Captain Johnson will proceed to Nicaragua in the next few weeks for the purpose of assuming his office and assembling the necessary personnel in connection with the impending congressional elections, a step of the utmost importance in the Nicaraguan electoral process.”

  1. Ibid., 1928, vol. iii, pp. 510511.
  2. See note of February 12, 1929, from the Nicaraguan Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs to the American Minister in Nicaragua, Foreign Relations, 1929, vol. iii, p. 647.