The Ambassador in Italy (Garrett) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 9.]
Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 206 of August 26, 1930,23 regarding a prospective violation of the Act of Algeciras by the Tangier Administration in connection with a contemplated award of a concession for the distribution of electric light and power in Tangier, and to inform the Department that owing to the temporary absence from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the official competent to deal with this matter, it was not possible to discuss this question informally at the Foreign Office until two days ago.
At that time a brief history of this concession was communicated to the official at the Foreign Office, together with a statement of the position of the Government of the United States relating thereto based on the despatches on this case which had been received from Mr. Blake. I was informed at the Foreign Office that a brief despatch on this matter had been received from the Italian Consul General at Tangier, but as the Consul General stated that owing to a disagreement among the representatives at Tangier of the interested Governments the entire question had been referred to the Committee of Control for further study, and that consequently the Italian Government did not feel itself called upon to issue any instructions in the premises at this time.
I should be glad to be informed of any developments in this matter which may take place at Tangier in order that I may be in a position to make such further representations as the Department may desire.
Respectfully yours,
Counselor of Embassy