The Chargé in Mexico (Johnson) to the
Secretary of State
Mexico, May 16, 1930.
[Received May
No. 2459
Sir: I have the honor to refer to my despatch
No. 2366 of March 28, 1930,49 transmitting the text of a note dated March 26th
[Page 539]
by me to the
Minister for Foreign Affairs under instructions from the Department,
relative to the question of the elimination of pending banco cases in
the El Paso-Juárez Valley and to the subject of river rectification.
I now have the honor to forward herewith enclosed a copy and translation
of a note dated May 7, 1930, which I have received from the Minister for
Foreign Affairs in reply to my note under reference. This note, although
dated May 7th, was not received at the Embassy until May 14th.
I have [etc.]
The Mexican Minister for Foreign Affairs
(Estrada) to the American
Chargé (Johnson)
Mexico, May 7, 1930.
No. 7067
Mr. Chargé d’affaires: This ministry
received your Embassy’s courteous note no. 1583 of March 26th last,
in which, with reference to your previous note no. 1419 of January
20th of the present year and to this Ministry’s reply thereto, in
regard to the question of the elimination of Bancos, you are good
enough to explain the point of view of your Government in the
premises, and in which, under instructions from your Government, you
propose that as soon as the final plan now being studied by the
Boundary Commissioners has been received, negotiations be begun for
a treaty which shall include the points contained in Minute 111 of
the International Boundary Commission, and those (points) which both
Governments may deem it expedient to include.
In reply I have to inform you that, as suggested in the note to which
I have the honor to make answer: Once all the pending banco cases in
the El Paso Valley have been settled and the decision approved by
both Governments, upon the receipt of the final plan formulated by
the Boundary Commissioners, my Government will be prepared to
examine the means for putting into practice the points contained in
Minute 111 of the International Boundary Commission; without,
however, retracting the exceptions taken when said Minute was
approved, which exceptions were communicated to the Government of
the United States in note no. 766 of the Mexican Embassy at
Washington, dated February 26th [6th]
I avail myself [etc.]