810.79611 Pan American Airways/913
The Chargé in France (Armour) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 29.]
Sir: I have the honor to report that immediately upon the receipt of the Department’s instruction No. 342 of September 30, 1930, the Embassy addressed a note to the Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting the renewal for another three months of the permission in favor of the Pan American Airways, Incorporated, which expires on November 15, to fly over and land in French Guiana, Guadeloupe and Martinique.
In mentioning the pending conversations between officials of the American and French companies the opportunity was also availed of to reiterate the Department’s viewpoint regarding the reciprocal considerations which should serve as the basis for authorizing the establishment of international air lines, and in that connection a copy was furnished of the Department’s note of July 24 to the French Embassy concerning the permission asked by the Compagnie Générale Transatlantique. Finally the Minister for Foreign Affairs was informed that my Government is still disposed to negotiate an agreement such as that proposed on June 12, 1929.
There has now been received by the Assistant Military Attaché for Air a transcript of a communication addressed on October 15th by M. Chaumié of the Air Ministry to the Compagnie Générale Aéropostale, a translation of which is enclosed.61 In his letter M. Chaumié indicates the probability that the permission asked by the Pan American Airways will be renewed upon its expiration November 15 but states that if an agreement between the companies is not reached within the additional period this will be the final renewal. He adds in the third paragraph of his letter that it had been clearly stated before that prolongation would be subordinated to the conclusion of an agreement between the companies. Since the basis on which the French Government chooses to regard the authorization as having been made is quite different from that embraced in the American Government’s request, the Embassy has recommended to Major Walsh that he informally point out to M. Chaumié that when the American Government made the original request for indefinite permission, it was suggested by it that the confirmation of the permission be contingent, not upon an inter-company agreement but upon the negotiation between the Governments of an agreement similar to the United States–Canada accord.
[Page 72]It would appear likely that the purpose of the Air Ministry in addressing the Aéropostale on the subject is to furnish that Company with documentary evidence in dealing with the Pan American Airways to the effect that unless the latter is willing to negotiate the current quarter will be the final period of prolongation.
Respectfully yours,
- Not printed.↩