The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Switzerland (Moffat)
9. Reference your 14, January 31, 10 a.m.15 The Department is appreciative of the efforts by Sir Eric Drummond to reach a solution as stated and is in agreement with the suggested notifications to a substitute for Dr. Meek, i. e., that travel during the rainy season will not be expected and that the substitute may, at the appropriate time, recommend extension of the period of investigation if this course becomes desirable. It is presumed that these notifications will be informal in character and will be made in such a manner as not to bring up the possibility at this time of changing the terms of reference.
Reference your 12, January 27, midnight,15 regarding the desire of Drummond for confidential suggestions respecting a candidate, should a suitable outsider not be found, it would appear to be appropriate and within scope of the powers granted by the resolution of the League Council for a member either of the League Secretariat or of the International Labor Office personnel to be selected, especially since appointing a member of the League Secretariat would offer a solution which is well within the range of the resources of the League.
[Page 340]The paramount issue calls for a full Commission being present in Liberia to enter upon its activities by March 10 at the latest and operating under arrangements which have already been agreed to by the Liberian Government, particularly under the provisions of the terms of reference now existing.
The foregoing should be brought to the attention of Sir Eric Drummond; the Department wishes to be kept informed of developments by telegraph.
You may use in accordance with your own judgment the following: The position taken by the Department in this whole matter is confirmed by advices from Monrovia to the effect that there is a current rumor in Liberia about the investigation being given up.
The sole limit to be set, in the Department’s view, on selecting the League’s representative is, as previous telegrams have intimated, that he should be no national of a state with territorial possessions in Africa. This point is mentioned here because of your statement that appointment of such a national is being considered. A large range of nationalities still remains, as you see, from which a choice may be made.