882.5048/200: Telegram
The Chargé in Liberia (Carter) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 15—10:34 p.m.]
6. With reference to your telegram of January 9, 1 p.m.
1. As a result of inquiries made today at the Liberian Department of State, Legation is in position to state definitely that the Commission will consist of ex-President Barclay,9 Doctor Johnson10 and Doctor Meek11 and that it will convene in Monrovia as soon as possible after their arrival here, presumably on or about March 1st.
Suitable arrangements are being made by the Liberian Government for their living accommodations. Expense of travel within the interior will presumably be borne by Liberian Government, although Legation is still waiting for a definite statement on this point.
It appears that Doctor Meek has asked Liberian Government for a translator and the Liberian Government has consequently [Page 337] been prompt to offer to supply all of the interpreters for the Commission. For obvious reasons the Legation has made no comment on this offer and will endeavor to secure trustworthy interpreters for Doctor Johnson on his arrival.
Legation hopes that Johnson is bringing a secretary or stenographer with him as reliable secretarial assistance is not available here. Please advise.
Wharton12 expects to sail last week of January via England and will endeavor to see Johnson before latter sails from Hamburg. To this end it is requested that the Embassy in London be informed of ship Johnson is taking from New York and that Wharton be authorized to perform extra travel required should he request such authorization.