
Memorandum by the Secretary of State

During the call of the Japanese Ambassador today, he said that when he came here there were two subjects which he was anxious to help settle. One was the Naval Treaty2—the other was the immigration question. The Naval Treaty had been settled and that left only the immigration question. He said that he had made trips to the Pacific coast and apparently had sounded out public opinion upon the subject, and that he felt very hopeful about the possibility of accomplishing something within the next two months. He said he knew he had better not take this thing up officially with me, but he wanted to know whether I would have any objections to his talking the matter over confidentially with Mr. Castle.3 I told him I had no objection and that I was as anxious as he was, that the sore spot created by the immigration question should be dissolved and that intercourse between his country and mine should be free from any irritation upon the subject.

H[enry] L. S[timson]
  1. For correspondence concerning the London Naval Conference, see vol. i, pp. 1 ff.
  2. William R. Castle, Jr., Assistant Secretary of State and, during the London Naval Conference, Ambassador in Japan.