
The Danish Minister (Brun) to the Secretary of State

No. 44

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note from your Department of April 29, 1930, by which the Acting Secretary of State, Mr. Cotton was good enough to send me a draft of the proposed arbitration treaty between Iceland and the United States, embodying the alterations in the text of the treaty of June 14, 1928 between Denmark and the United States, which I have proposed in my note of April 12, 1930.

In reply I beg to state, that the text as now proposed in the draft is entirely satisfactory with the exception of the wording of the reference to Iceland in the second paragraph of Article I. It is noted that the wording: “on the part of Iceland in accordance with constitutional law” has been inserted in the place of the first proposed wording which was: “on the part of Iceland in accordance with its constitutional laws”.

This was done on account of a doubt as to which law should govern the case.

I have however by a cablegram to Copenhagen ascertained, that the original wording is considered correct, and that the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not wish any change of text on this point, because it is the constitutional laws of Iceland to which reference is made and which are to be applied.

[Page 289]

I have already had the pleasure to explain this point in an informal letter to your Department7 and trust that this alteration will meet with no objection.

On this assumption I shall hold myself ready to sign the proposed treaty with you at any time which may be convenient to you.

I have [etc.]

C. Brun
  1. Not printed.