811.512351Double/66: Telegram

The Ambassador in France ( Edge ) to the Secretary of State

252. I conferred informally this morning with M. Reynaud, Minister of Finance, on the double taxation situation. M. Reynaud divides with M. Germain Martin jurisdiction over fiscal matters. [Paraphrase.] I found the Finance Minister far more responsive than Martin to the need for an agreement (see my 245, August 5, 9 a.m.). [End paraphrase.] M. Reynaud assured me that he would indicate to the French experts the advisability of reaching an agreement with the American experts but M. Reynaud also insisted that further negotiations would be useless unless some one representing the United States Government possessed authority to approve on behalf of the administration.

I also had a very satisfactory conference with Mr. Mills this morning. Mr. Alvord will cable tomorrow full details.
