
The High Commissioner in Haiti (Russell) to the Secretary of State

No. 1702

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith for the Department’s information a translation of a letter this date received from His Excellency Louis Borno, President of Haiti.

I have [etc.]

John H. Russell

The President of Haiti (Borno) to the American High Commissioner (Russell)

Mr. High Commissioner: I have read with lively satisfaction the communication you sent me on the 4th of May, on behalf of your Government, and I beg you to transmit to it my sincere thanks.

I have the conviction of having served my country well in cordially cooperating in the efficacious execution of the Treaty of 1915 which bears my signature; and I am happy to express to you on this occasion my full gratitude for the valuable and fruitful aid which you personally, as High Commissioner, have always given me during the eight years of my administration.

[Page 251]

Despite all biased utterances the Intervention of the United States has been beneficial to Haiti:—history will so record.

I renew to you the assurance of my special friendship and my very high consideration.
