814.00/1032: Telegram

The Minister in Guatemala (Whitehouse) to the Secretary of State

125. Rodriguez Beteta and Orellana’s son came to see me last night and told me the General was ready to follow the plan outlined in my 121, December 23, 2 p.m., but wanted a little time … I asked how much; and they replied three or four days, which seemed reasonable. They explained that the new Provisional President must be someone that guarantees them from molestation and asked if you would recognize him at once. I told them I thought so if he was a suitable person. Time, in my opinion, is of great importance to avoid further trouble, and the sooner we have a regularly elected President the better. There are a good many people who, for personal reasons, desire to gain time before the elections, and among them is Recinos, but the country as a whole will suffer.
