
The Minister in Liberia (Francis) to the Secretary of State

No. 6

Sir: I have the honor to forward herewith duplicate originals of the traffic agreement entered into between the Liberian Government and the Radio Corporation of America, which was executed on behalf of the Government on the 31st day of October, 1927.37 With the above I also enclose two copies of said agreement together with a copy of a letter from the Financial Adviser of the Republic of Liberia, under date of December 14, 1927, addressed to the Radio Corporation of America, New York City;37 and a copy of a letter from the Financial Adviser to me.37 You will note that the Financial Adviser states that at the request of His Excellency the Secretary of State of the Republic of Liberia he deposits said duplicate originals with the American Legation for transmission to the main offices of the Radio Corporation of America in New York City.

In the absence of other instructions I send the papers to you for delivery to the Radio Corporation of America, New York City, through the Department of State.

Paragraph 4 of the Agreement provides “communications of the Government[s] of the United States and Liberia shall be handled at one-half of the radio rate between New York City and Monrovia, Liberia, to which shall be added the tolls ‘beyond the radio termini’”.

In this connection I refer to Department’s telegram, December 6, 7 P.M., 1927,37 in regard to interchange of Government radio traffic with Liberia free. I called upon Secretary Barclay, December 8, in this matter and was informed by him that the Liberian Government had signed an agreement with the Radio Corporation of America, October 31, 1927, but that he would take up the matter with the President and advise me further on Monday (December 12).

Not having heard further from Mr. Barclay, and on receipt of the duplicate original agreement from the Financial Adviser on the 15th, I sent a note to Secretary Barclay asking for further conference in the matter, to which I have had no reply.

Apparently the execution of the enclosed agreement indicates the attitude of the Liberian Government on the question raised in the telegram above referred to.

I have [etc.]

W. T. Francis
  1. Not printed.
  2. Not printed.
  3. Not printed.
  4. Not printed.