- Protection of rights of American owners of oil lands in Mexico (Documents 230–242)
- Convention between the United States and Mexico safeguarding livestock
interests through the prevention of infectious and contagious diseases,
signed March 16, 1928 (Documents 243–257)
- Opposition of the Department of State to any undue preference for any
group of creditors of the Mexican Government (Documents 258–260)
- Establishment of air mail service between the United States and
Mexico (Documents 261–265)
- Good offices of Ambassador Morrow in facilitating negotiations between the
Mexican Government and representatives of the Roman Catholic Church (Documents 266–267)
- Representations to the Mexican Government regarding protection of American
interests at Manzanillo from attacks by revolutionists (Documents 268–271)
- Designation of the third member of the General and Special Claims
Commissions by the President of the Administrative Council of the Hague
Tribunal (Documents 272–276)