- Agreements. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Air mail service between United States and Mexico, establishment, 323–326
- Aliens (see also Sweden: Taxation of resident aliens): Provisions of Immigration Act of 1924, 644; U. S. classification of Persian subjects as nontreaty aliens, 736–737, 744–745; U. S. policy in regard to treaty provisions concerning, 160–161, 198, 644–646
- American Red Cross, 982–983, 986
- Arbitration treaties (see also
Root treaties) between—
- Netherlands and—
- France, 1928, cited, 415
- Germany, 1926, cited, 414, 415
- United States. See under Netherlands: Treaties.
- United States and—
- France, 1928, cited, 139, 140, 412, 751, 879, 880, 895, 937, 938, 940, 943, 946
- Italy, text signed Apr. 19, 102–104
- Japan. See under Japan: Treaties.
- Lithuania, text signed Nov. 14, 283–285
- Netherlands. See under Netherlands: Treaties.
- Persia, inconclusive negotiations, 746–749
- Poland. See under Poland.
- Spain, proposed, 879–881
- Sweden, negotiations and text signed Oct. 27, 882–884
- Switzerland, arbitration and conciliation, proposed, 937–939
- Turkey, inconclusive negotiations, 940–950
- Netherlands and—
- Arms embargo. See under Honduras.
- Babel and Nervion Co. See Spain: Petroleum monopoly.
- Belgium. See Persia: Capitulations.
- Blair & Co., Inc., 814–815, 816, 818–819
- Bolivia, boundary dispute with Paraguay, 681
- Boundary dispute between—
- Bryan treaties for the advancement of peace, cited, 136, 139, 140, 412–414, 746, 747, 751, 752, 880–881, 881, 937, 938, 939, 940
- Canada, attitude in connection with proposed revision of fur seals convention of 1911, 153, 156
- Capitulations. See under Persia.
- Catholic Church, good offices of U. S. Ambassador in Mexico in facilitating negotiations with Mexican Government, 326–335
- Central American treaties of 1923, cited, 568, 581–582, 583
- Chase Securities Corp., 818–819
- Chile, Tacna-Arica dispute, 750
- Christianity, teaching of, trial of American teachers and closing of school at Brusa, Turkey, 964–981
- Citizenship. See under Greece: Exchange of Greek and Turkish populations.
- Claims of—
- Colombia, boundary dispute with Nicaragua, 592
- Commercial treaties and agreements (see also
Most-favored-nation treatment: U. S. policy):
- Barcelona convention on freedom of transit (1921), 168, 191, 193, 195, 200–201, 204, 607, 620
- Great Britain–Latvia, treaty of commerce and navigation (1923), 167, 191, 192, 194, 206
- U. S.–Denmark, convention of friendship, commerce and navigation (1826), cited, 601
- U. S.–Greece: Exchange of notes according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters (1924), cited, 709; inconclusive negotiations for treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights, 18–25
- U. S.–Italy. See Italy: Treaty rights.
- U. S.–Latvia. See Latvia: Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- U. S.–Norway. See Norway.
- U. S.–Persia. See Persia: Treaties: Friendship and commerce.
- U. S.–Portugal. See Portugal: Treaties.
- U. S.–Siam (1920), cited, 199
- U. S.–Switzerland. See Switzerland: Treaties: Friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- U. S.–Turkey. See under Turkey: Treaties.
- Commissions and committees:
- American Advisory Committee for the Evacuation of Russian Refugees at Constantinople, 982–983, 985, 986–987, 988
- Claims Commissions:
- Federal Radio Commission (U. S.). See under Liberia: Radio communication.
- International Financial Commission (Hellenic), 2, 5, 41
- Irish Republic Bondholders’ Committee. See Irish Free State, responsibility for so-called Republic of Ireland bonds sold in United States.
- Mixed Commission for Exchange of Populations (Greece-Turkey), 48, 51, 53
- Refugee Settlement Commission (Hellenic), 4, 5, 8–9, 11, 12
- Conciliation treaties between United States and—
- Conference concerning livestock (U. S.–Mexico). See under Mexico: Conventions: Livestock.
- Consular officers. See Portugal: Regulations regarding jurisdiction on board foreign ships in Portuguese waters; also under Latvia: Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- Conventions. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Coolidge, Calvin (President): Approval of designation of John Loomis as Financial Adviser to Liberia, 247–248; exchange of felicitations with President of Mexico upon inauguration of air mail service between United States and Mexico, 325–326; exchange of messages with President of Nicaragua upon satisfactory completion of Nicaraguan elections, 515–516; nomination of Gen. McCoy as president of National Board of Elections of Nicaragua, 485
- Costa Rica:
- Cuba, consular convention with United States (1926), cited, 609
- Cumberland, Dr. W. W. See Nicaragua: Finances: Survey by Dr. W. W. Cumberland.
- Davis, Roy Tasco, U. S. Minister in Costa Rica. See Honduras: Newspaper attack upon.
- Denmark, convention of friendship, commerce and navigation with United States (1826), cited, 601
- Dominican Republic, boundary dispute with Haiti, 61
- Dual nationality, question of, 29–30, 909–910, 922–923, 925
- Eldorado Co., 801, 804
- Estonia, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United States, Dec. 23, 1925, U. S. policy in negotiating similar treaties with other governments, 23, 158–169, 173–175, 182–183, 184, 186, 190, 197, 204, 205, 597, 598, 775, 914
- Exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, convention of 1923. See under Greece.
- Fascist organizations in United States. See under Italy.
- Federal Radio Commission (U. S.). See under Liberia: Radio communication.
- Firestone Plantations Co. See under Liberia: Radio communication.
- Florida fish and game law, alleged infringement of Italian treaty rights. See Italy: Treaty rights.
- Foundation Co., 33–38
- France (see also Morocco; Persia: Capitulations; Spain: Petroleum monopoly):
- Fur seals convention of 1911 between United States, Japan, Great Britain, and Russia. See under Japan.
- Germany (see also Persia: Capitulations): Arbitration treaty with Netherlands (1926), cited, 414, 415; treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United States, Dec. 8, 1923, U. S. policy in negotiating similar treaties with other countries, 19, 20, 23, 158–169, 173, 174, 182–183, 224, 225, 596, 597, 598, 775, 791
- Gold of Soviet origin, continued refusal of U. S. Mints and Assay Offices to accept, 827–831
- Good offices of—
- U. S. Ambassador in Mexico in facilitating negotiations between Roman Catholic Church and Mexican Government, 326–335
- U. S. Department of State. See under Liberia: Radio communication.
- Great Britain (see also Japan: Fur seals convention of 1911; Morocco; Persia: Capitulations; Portugal: Shipping discriminations; Spain: Petroleum monopoly): Claims rejected by Haitian Claims Commission, U. S. decision to recommend reconsideration, 55–61; commercial loan to Greece by British interests, 38–41; treaty of commerce and navigation with Latvia (1923), 167, 191, 192, 194, 206
- Greece, 1–53, 709
- Agreements with United States:
- Exchange of notes according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters (1924), cited, 709
- Friendship, commerce and consular rights, inconclusive negotiations for treaty, 18–25
- Loan agreement. See War debt to United States, agreement for funding of debt and for additional loan to Greece, infra.
- Naturalization treaty, proposed, 19, 25–31
- Smuggling of intoxicating liquors, convention for prevention of, 14–18
- War debt, agreement for funding. See War debt, infra.
- British commercial loan. See Struma Valley drainage project, infra.
- Exchange of Greek and Turkish populations, questions
arising out of convention of 1923:
- Citizenship upon entering Greece of former Ottoman subjects of Greek Orthodox religion naturalized in United States: Greek interpretation, 26, 45–46, 47–49, 50; Mixed Commission for Exchange of Populations, interpretation of, 48; provisions of convention, 44–45; U. S. attitude, 47
- Claims of American citizens of Greek Orthodox religion for property confiscated by Turkey, Greek position and outline of procedure to be followed by claimants, 49–53
- International Financial Commission, 2, 5, 41
- Loan agreements:
- Loans in American market: Negotiations for loan in connection with Struma Valley drainage project, reports concerning, 37–41; U. S. policy concerning opportunity for American firms to compete for work to be done from proceeds, 42–43; U. S. policy following agreement for settlement of war debt, 1–3, 7, 8, 13
- Mixed Commission for Exchange of Populations, 48, 51, 53
- Naturalization treaty with United States, proposed, 19, 25–31
- Refugee Settlement Commission, 4, 5, 8–9, 11, 12
- Smuggling of intoxicating liquors. See under Agreements, supra.
- Struma Valley drainage project:
- Treaties with United States. See Agreements, supra.
- War debt to United States, agreement for funding of debt and for additional loan to Greece, 1–13
- Agreements with United States:
- Guaranty Trust Co., 530
- Guatemala (see also Honduras: Revolutionary activities): Boundary dispute with Honduras, 54; Nicaraguan bandits, suppression of aid to, 567, 568, 580
- Hague convention of 1907 for pacific settlement of international disputes, cited, 338, 414, 761, 939
- Haiti, 55–61
- Hejaz and Nejd, opposition of authorities to entry of American missionaries, 62–68
- Honduras, 69–82, 559–560, 566, 576, 578, 581–582, 582–583, 914–915
- Arms embargo, U. S. informal representations for Honduran cooperation to prevent contraband shipments, 77–79
- Boundary dispute with Guatemala, 82
- Newspaper attack upon Roy Tasco Davis, U. S. Minister in Costa Rica, 79–82
- Nicaraguan bandits, suppression of aid to, 559–560, 566, 576, 578, 581–582, 582–583
- Political situation, reports concerning, 69, 73, 74–77
- Revolutionary activities against the Government, 69–77
- Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United States (1927), cited, 914–915
- Hungary, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United States, June 24, 1925, U. S. policy in negotiating similar treaties with other countries, 158–169, 173, 182–183, 597, 598, 775
- Immigration Act of 1924, cited, 644–645, 737n
- Immigration laws, Italian policy concerning, 109
- International Financial Commission (Hellenic), 2, 5, 41
- Irish Free State, responsibility for so called Republic of
Ireland bonds sold in United States, 83–101
- Irish Free State’s recognition of obligation to reimburse U. S. subscribers: Attitude of Government officials, and discussion of difficulties involved, 83–86, 94–95, 96–97; Loans and Funds Act of Feb. 18, 1924, 91, 94, 96–97, 99–100, 100–101
- Procedure for repayment of loan, question of, 96–97, 99–100, 100–101
- Résumé of situation with respect to bonds, 89–92
- U. S. efforts looking toward settlement of matter:
- Italy (see also
Morocco: Tangier), 102–119
- Arbitration treaty with United States, text signed Apr. 19, 102–104
- Colonial policy, 109, 110
- Exports to United States, Italian representations regarding activities of U. S. customs agents investigating valuation of, 104–105; U. S. position, 105–107
- Fascist organizations in United States, question of control from
Italy, 107–112
- Fascist League in United States: Dissolution by order of Mussolini, 111–112; nonapplicability of Statutes of Fascist Organizations abroad, 109–111
- Statutes of Fascist Organizations abroad, published Feb. 5: Information concerning, 107–109, 111; nonapplicability to Fascist League in United States, 109–111
- Immigration laws, policy regarding, 109
- Treaties with United States:
- Arbitration treaty, text signed Apr. 19, 102–104
- Commerce and navigation (1871). See Treaty rights, infra.
- Treaty rights under U. S.-Italian treaty of commerce and navigation of 1871, alleged infringement by Florida fish and game law, 112–119
- U. S. customs agents, Italian representations regarding activities of, 104–105; U. S. position, 105–107
- Japan, 120–156
- Fur seals convention of 1911
between United States, Japan, Great Britain, and Russia,
negotiations regarding proposed revision of, 147–156
- Japanese desire for conference to revise convention, and U. S. attitude, 147, 148, 149, 151–152, 152, 154–156
- Joint U. S.-Japanese investigation of migratory and feeding habits of seals, Japanese suggestion to invite participation of British and Russian experts, 147, 152
- Review of U. S.-Japanese discussions, 1926–1928, 152–153
- U. S. suggestion of possible administrative regulations in lieu of treaty revision, 153–154, 156
- Treaties with United States:
- Fur seals convention of 1911
between United States, Japan, Great Britain, and Russia,
negotiations regarding proposed revision of, 147–156
- Jews in Rumania. See Rumania: Anti-Semitic activity.
- Latvia, 157–239
- Tax, residence or sojourn, U. S. representations against application to U. S. citizens in Latvia, 235–239
- Treaty of commerce and navigation with Great Britain (1923), 167, 191, 192, 194, 206
- Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights with United
States, and accompanying protocol, 157–230, 235, 236,
- Aliens, U. S. policy in regard to provisions concerning, 160–161, 198
- Citations, 235, 236, 239
- Consular officers: Provisions concerning, 169–172, 175, 189, 204–205; U. S.-Latvian agreement as to interpretation of most-favored-nation provision of art. 27, 224, 225–230
- Drafts, 175, 176–181, 195–196, 202–203
- Most-favored-nation treatment, discussions concerning—
- Commercial travelers, 166–167
- Consular privileges and immunities, agreement as to inters pretation of most-favored-nation provision of art. 27, 224, 225–230
- Importations and exportations, provisions and exceptions, 163–164, 168–169, 181–183, 184–185, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 194–195, 198–199, 204, 206–207
- Negotiations, 157–207
- Ratifications: Exchange of ratifications, together with agreement as to interpretation of most-favored-nation clause with respect to consular privileges and immunities, 223–230; treaty provisions, 173–174
- Ship measurement certificates, question of including agreement for mutual recognition, 164–165, 186, 188, 189, 191, 193
- Signature, 208
- Text signed Apr. 20, 208–223
- U. S. representations regarding—
- Lausanne, Allied treaty of July 24, 1923, cited, 26, 45, 52, 53, 953, 957
- League of Nations, loan to Portugal, possible influence on shipping question, 771, 772
- Liberia, 240–282
- Assistant Auditor of Liberia, inability of U. S. Department of State to act in replacement of, 241
- Financial Adviser to Liberian Government, appointment of successor
to Sidney de la Rue, 240–249
- Acting Financial Adviser to assume duties during illness of De la Rue: Appointment of Conrad T. Bussell to act temporarily, 242, 243, 246–247; U. S. suggested procedure in event of De la Rue’s inability to resume duties, and Liberian attitude, 241–245
- Designation of John Loomis as Financial Adviser following resignation of De la Rue, 247–249
- Firestone concession, denial by President King of certain allegations concerning, 249–253; text of President’s statement, 251–253
- Radio communication between United States and
Liberia, establishment of, 254–282
- Federal Radio Commission (U. S.), action in granting licenses to Firestone Plantations Co. and Radio Corporation of America, 263–264, 265–266, 269–270, 271–272, 273–274, 277, 278
- Firestone Plantations Co.:
- Radio agreement with Liberian Government signed Jan. 22, 1929: Good offices of U. S. Department of State in effecting agreement, 254–255, 257; negotiations, 254, 255, 257–260, 264–269, 270, 273, 274–279; text, 279–282
- U. S. license, granting of, 263, 264, 265; good offices of U. S. Department of State in connection with, 267–268, 269, 271–272
- Good offices of U. S. Department of State. See Firestone Plantations Co., supra, and Radio Corporation of America, infra.
- Radio Act passed by Liberian Legislature Feb. 17, text, 260–263
- Radio Corporation of America: Traffic agreement with Liberian Government (1927), 256, 263, 264, 265, 266–267, 278; U. S. license, good offices of U. S. Department of State in regard to securing of, 263, 267–268, 270, 271–272, 274
- Lithuania, 283–291
- Livestock convention, U. S.–Mexico. See under Mexico: Conventions.
- Loans (see also
Irish Free State, responsibility for so-called Republic
of Ireland bonds sold in United States):
- Greece. See Loan agreements and Loans in American market under Greece.
- Nicaragua. See under Nicaragua: Finances.
- Portugal, League of Nations loan, possible influence on shipping question, 771, 772
- Rumania. See under Rumania.
- McCoy, Gen. Frank R. See under Nicaragua: Elections.
- Mexico, 292–340, 367, 570–571, 572, 581
- Agriculture and Fomento, Department of, conference with U. S. Department of Agriculture concerning livestock, 308–311
- Air mail service between United States and Mexico, establishment, 323–326
- Assassination of President-elect Obregon, 331, 333–334
- Catholic Church, negotiations with Mexican Government, good offices of U. S. Ambassador in facilitating, 326–335
- Claims Commissions, General and Special, designation of third member by President of Administrative Council of the Hague Tribunal, 337–340
- Claims conventions with United States, Sept 8, 1923, and Sept. 10, 1923, cited, 338
- Claims of U. S. citizens, U. S. position concerning relative priority, 321–323
- Conventions with United States:
- Creditors of Mexican Government, U. S. opposition to undue preference for any group, 321–323
- Good offices of U. S. Ambassador in facilitating negotiations between Mexican Government and Roman Catholic Church, 326–335
- Livestock convention. See under Conventions, supra.
- Nicaraguan bandits, suppression of aid to, 570–571, 572, 581
- Obregon, President-elect, assassination of, 331, 333–334
- Oil lands. See Protection of rights of American owners, infra.
- Protection of American interests at Manzanillo from attacks by revolutionists, U. S. representations concerning, 336–337
- Protection of rights of American owners of oil
lands, 292–308
- Court decisions: Federal District Court, Jan. 7, reported, 296–297; Supreme Court of Justice, Nov. 17, 1927, cited, 294, 299, 306–307, 307
- Petroleum law and regulations, amended:
- Amendment to law of Dec. 26, 1925: Discussions concerning, 293–295, 295–298; Mexican assurances as to operation of confirmatory concessions under law as amended, 294: passage of legislation, and promulgation Jan. 10, 292, 293–294, 295; text, 293
- Amendment to regulations of Apr. 8, 1926: Acceptance by Huasteca Petroleum Co., 308; information concerning, 298–301; text of Executive decree of Mar. 27, 301–306
- Huasteca Petroleum Co., acceptance of new law and regulations, following Mexican assurances regarding operation, 293–295, 308
- Statements concerning new law and regulations by U. S. Ambassador, 306–307; by U. S. Department of State, 307–308
- U. S. views as to termination of ten-year discussions, 306–308
- Religious situation, good offices of U. S. Ambassador in facilitating negotiations between Mexican Government and Roman Catholic Church, 326–335
- U. S. citizens (see also Protection of rights, supra), U. S. position concerning relative priority of claims, 321–323
- U. S. representations concerning protection of American interests at Manzanillo from attacks by revolutionists, 336–337
- Missionaries, American (see also
Turkey: American school at
- Hejaz and Nejd, opposition of authorities to entry of missionaries, 62–68
- Position in Persia. See under Persia: Capitulations: Negotiations.
- Monks Contracting Co., 31–41
- Morocco, 341–374
- Act of Algeciras (1906), cited, 369, 371–372, 372, 373
- Claims of British citizens in Spanish Zone, settlement of (1923), 360, 363–365
- Claims of U. S. citizens against Spanish Government, negotiations for settlement as prerequisite to proposed U. S. recognition of Spanish Zone, 344–367
- French Zone, U. Si reservation of rights in application of taxes to U. S. citizens and protégés, 341–344
- Recognition of Spanish Zone by United States, proposed. See Claims of U. S. citizens, supra.
- Spanish Zone. See Claims of U. S. citizens, supra.
- Tangier, proposed changes in status of, 367–374
- Taxation of U. S. citizens and protégés, U. S. policy and reservation of rights concerning, 341–344, 347–348
- U. S. citizens. See Claims of U. S. citizens and Taxation, supra.
- Most-favored-nation treatment:
- Treaties and agreements (see also
U. S. policy, infra):
- U. S.–Greece: Exchange of notes according mutual unconditional most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters (1924), cited, 709; inconclusive negotiations for treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights, 18–25
- U. S.–Latvia. See Latvia: Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- U. S.–Norway. See Norway.
- U. S.–Persia. See Most-favored-nation treatment under Persia: Capitulations: Negotiations.
- U. S.–Portugal. See under Portugal.
- U. S.–Switzerland. See Switzerland: Treaties: Friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- U. S.–Turkey. See Turkey: Treaties: Commercial treaties.
- U. S. policy in negotiating treaties of friendship, commerce and consular rights, citations to treaties concluded with Estonia, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, and Salvador, 19, 20, 23, 158–169, 173–175, 182–183, 184, 186, 190, 197, 204, 205, 224, 225, 596, 597, 598, 775, 789, 914
- Treaties and agreements (see also
U. S. policy, infra):
- Naturalization treaties between United States and—
- Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij, concession in Netherlands East Indies, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 386–390, 402
- Netherlands, 375–417
- Arbitration treaty with—
- Petroleum resources, understanding with United
States concerning reciprocal access to, 375–407
- Exchange of communications comprising understanding, 398–402, 402–404; discussions as to certain contingencies, 401–402, 404–407
- Negotiations:
- Desire of Netherlands for recognition as reciprocating country under U. S. Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, and U. S. position (see also Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij, infra), 375–377, 379–383, 384–385, 390–396
- Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij (subsidiary of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey), negotiations for concession in Netherlands East Indies, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 386–390, 402
- Open-door policy in Netherlands East Indies, 376, 387, 392, 395–396, 396, 397
- Shell Union Oil Corp., question of nationality, 386, 387, 389, 392–393, 394
- U. S. naval oil reserves, question of, 378–379, 396–398
- Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. See Negotiations: Nederlandsche Koloniale Petroleum Maatschappij, supra.
- U. S. note of July 21 recognizing Netherlands as reciprocating country, 403
- Treaties with United States:
- Neutrality of Switzerland, question of U. S. declaration concerning, 895–897, 910, 918–919
- Nicaragua, 418–592
- Bandit activities, 508,
514, 559–592
- Activities of Sandino and bandit followers, 564, 566–567, 570, 572, 573, 574–576, 576–577, 583–584, 590
- Amnesty decrees by Nicaraguan Government, 582, 585–586
- Declaration of state of war by Nicaraguan Government, question of, 560–561
- Efforts to suppress aid to Sandino from—
- Efforts toward peaceful settlement by President Diaz, 582, 585–586; by U. S. naval commander, 561–563, 569
- Guardia Nacional, assistance in suppressing, 508, 564, 565–566, 567, 577, 586, 589, 590
- Political aspects of, 508, 565, 566–567, 577, 588–589, 590
- U. S. marines, activities against bandit groups, 514, 559, 563–564, 565–566, 570, 571–572, 572, 573, 574, 576–577, 583–584, 585, 588, 589
- Boundary dispute with Colombia, 592
- Claims, question of payment, 527, 533, 545, 546, 547–548, 550, 551, 552
- Cumberland, Dr. W. W. See Finances: Survey by Dr. W. W. Cumberland, infra.
- Elections, 418–522, 534,
536, 537–539, 559
- Candidates for Presidency (see also
elections, infra):
- Benard, Adolfo, selection as Conservative candidate, 502
- Difficulties of Conservative party in selecting a candidate: Attitude of Gen. McCoy, 498–499; information concerning, 468, 486–487, 488–491, 492, 494–497, 499–502; U. S. attitude, 469–470, 486, 487, 491–492, 492–493, 497–498
- Moncada: Acceptance of nomination by National Board of Elections despite opposition of Conservative member, 503–505; election and inauguration, 519, 522; official nomination, 468
- Electoral law (see
Revised electoral law, infra):
- Attitude of Nicaraguan Foreign Minister, 421, 428–429, 434–435, 438, 446, 453; of President Diaz, 421, 428, 433, 442, 454, 459
- Constitutionality, question of, 418–420, 422, 428, 434, 436, 452–453
- Opposition by Chamber of Deputies, 421, 422, 436, 438, 440, 450; by Chamorro, 418, 422–423, 427, 428, 450, 455, 459
- Senate approval, 418
- Substitute project, proposed, 422, 425, 436–437, 440–442, 442; U. S. opposition, 422, 436–437, 440, 444–445
- Text, 447–449
- U. S. efforts to secure passage, 418–420, 422–423, 424–425, 425–435, 437–438, 439–440, 440–441, 442, 443–444, 451
- Exchange of messages between President Coolidge and President Diaz upon satisfactory completion of elections, 515–516
- Executive decree as basis for proceeding
with elections under supervision of National Board of
- Proposal, following defeat of revised electoral law, 476–477; U. S. approval, 478, 480
- Provisions for placing Gen. Mc-Coy in control of electoral machinery, 476–477, 478, 479–481, 485–486; for utilization of Guardia Nacional in connection with elections, 478, 481–482
- Text, promulgated Mar. 21, 482–485
- Financial controls, relation to, 534, 536, 537–539, 559
- Guardia Nacional, functions in connection with, 468, 478, 481–482, 507–508, 518
- McCoy, Gen. Frank R., mission to Nicaragua:
- Instructions to proceed to Nicaragua, 438; arrival, 447
- Supervision of electoral machinery. See Executive decree, supra, and National Board of Elections, infra.
- National Board of Elections (see also
Executive decree, supra):
- Decisions regarding nominations for Presidency, 502–503, 503–505
- McCoy, Gen. Frank R.: Election as president of Board, and designation of alternate, 479–481, 485–486; resignation as president, Dec. 15, 520
- Position in regard to factional disputes in Conservative party, question of, 489, 491–492, 493, 499–500
- Reports and decisions relative to results of elections, 517–518, 519, 521, 522
- 1932 elections, agreement between Moncada and Benard concerning supervision by United States: Proposal of Moncada, and U. S. attitude, 505–507, 509; texts of letters exchanged between Moncada and Benard, 510–513
- Reports on conduct of elections, 505, 507–509, 513–515, 517, 518
- Resignation of President Diaz, question of, 432–433, 435, 438, 442
- Results, 515, 517–518, 519–522
- Revised electoral law proposed by Foreign Minister (see also Executive decree, supra): Attitude of President Diaz, 464, 470, 472, 474; efforts of Foreign Minister to secure passage, 455–456, 460–461, 462, 465–466, 475; opposition by Chamorro and certain Conservatives, 461, 462–463, 467–468, 470, 474–475, 475; rejection by Chamber of Deputies, Mar. 13, 476; suggestions and discussions in regard to, 439, 440, 440–441, 443–444, 446, 450, 451–452, 453, 454–455, 459; text, 456–458; U. S. approval and efforts to secure passage, 458, 465, 466–467, 470, 472–474, 475–476, 477
- Tipitapa agreement: Obligations of Nicaraguan Government under, 427, 433, 433–434, 461, 465, 473; obstruction by Chamorro and followers, 418, 428, 444, 450, 455, 461, 463, 468, 471; U. S. determination to fulfill obligations under, 421, 424, 427, 433, 445, 450, 454, 455, 463–464, 465, 470, 471, 473
- U. S. assistance in supervision of. See Electoral law; McCoy, Gen. Frank R.; Revised electoral law; and Tipitapa agreement, supra; also U. S. marines and U. S. policy, infra.
- U. S. marines, functions in connection with, 432, 507, 508, 514, 518
- U. S. policy in connection with, 420, 424–425, 429–430, 431, 445–446, 450, 453–454, 463–464, 464–465, 469–470, 471, 487, 492
- U. S. position concerning eligibility of candidates, 420, 423
- Candidates for Presidency (see also
elections, infra):
- Finances, 523–559
- Administrative practices, proposed revision of, 528, 529–533, 541, 546–547, 547, 548–549, 550
- Bankers’ plan for financial reorganization: Information and discussions concerning, 544–545, 546, 546–553; postponement of negotiations, decision of bankers, and attitude of Nicaraguan Government, 553–556
- Claims, question of payment, 527, 528, 533, 545, 546, 547–548, 550, 551, 552
- Cumberland, Dr. W. W., financial and economic survey. See Survey, infra.
- Elections, relation of financial controls to, 534, 536, 537–539, 559
- Guardia Nacional, proposals providing for support of, 528, 534, 535, 536, 540, 542, 547, 549–550, 554, 557, 558, 559
- Loans: Flotation of new loan, question of, 528, 530, 535, 536–537, 539, 541, 543, 545, 546, 550, 554, 555, 556; $1,000,000 loan of 1927, final payment, Apr. 21, 537
- National Bank of Nicaragua, question of sale or hypothecation of controlling interest, 528, 532, 535, 536, 538, 539, 540, 542, 544, 548, 551
- Nature of problem, 525–526, 527–528, 533–534
- Plans for financial reorganization. See Bankers’ plan, supra, and Survey by Dr. W. W. Cumberland, infra.
- Railways:
- Revolutionary claims. See Claims, supra.
- Survey by Dr. W. W. Cumberland of economic
and financial needs:
- Financial plan: Advisability of adoption, and arrangements for working out of plan, 533–542; American bankers, attitude, 542–544; description, 529–533; Nicaraguan political leaders, attitude, 545–546; preparation and presentation to U. S. Department of State, 523, 524–525, 526–529
- Report on economic needs, information and discussions regarding, 523, 525, 526–529
- U. S. cooperation in rearranging finances. See Bankers’ plan and Survey by Dr. W. W. Cumberland: Financial plan, supra.
- Guardia Nacional. See under Bandit activities, Elections, and Finances, supra.
- Loans. See under Finances, supra.
- McCoy, Gen. Frank R. See under Elections, supra.
- Railways. See under Finances, supra.
- Revolutionary claims. See Claims, supra.
- Stimson agreement. See Elections: Tipitapa agreement, supra.
- Supreme Court, election of Gen. Mc-Coy as president of National Board of Elections, 479, 481
- Tipitapa agreement. See under Elections, supra.
- U. S. marines: Activities against bandit groups, 514, 559, 563–564, 565–566, 570, 571–572, 572–573, 574, 576–577, 583–584, 585, 588, 589; functions in connection with elections, 432, 507, 508, 514, 518
- Bandit activities, 508,
514, 559–592
- Norway, treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights
with United States, supplanting treaty of July 4,
1827, 593–662
- Additional article: Proposal, 644–646; text signed Feb. 25, 1929, 661
- Exceptions to most-favored-nation treatment, 606, 618–619, 635, 642
- Exchange of notes concerning tariff treatment of Norwegian sardines: Negotiations, 615, 629–630, 641–642; texts signed June 5, 662
- Negotiations, 593–643
- Signature, 640, 643
- Text of treaty signed June 5, 1928, 646–661; of additional article signed Feb. 25, 1929, 661; of exchange of notes signed June 5, 1928, 662
- Oil properties and concessions. See Mexico: Protection of rights of American owners; Netherlands: Petroleum resources; Rumania: Subsoil rights in leased oil lands; Spain: Petroleum monopoly.
- Open-door principle with respect to Greece, 36, 43; Netherlands East Indies, 376, 387, 392, 395–396, 396, 397; Tangier, 371–372, 372
- Panama, 663–680
- Belligerency. See War, infra.
- Elections, U. S. intention not to supervise, 678
- Representations respecting President Coolidge’s statement classifying Canal Zone as U. S. possession, 679–680; U. S. position, 680
- Treaties with United States: Treaty of 1903, cited, 663, 664, 664–665, 666, 668, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 679; unperfected treaty of July 28, 1926, Panaman proposals for modification, 663–677
- War, declaration of, Panaman interpretation of its obligations in the event of armed conflict to which United States is a party, 675–677
- Panama Canal, attitude of Panama in regard to its obligations concerning the defense of, 675–677
- Paraguay, boundary dispute with Bolivia, 681
- Persia, 682–749
- Capitulations, termination of, provisional
agreements with capitulatory powers pending conclusion of new
treaties, 682–745
- Conclusion of agreements with Great Britain, France, Germany and Belgium, 718, 718n
- Exchange of notes with United States
following termination of treaty of 1856 (see also
Negotiations and discussions, infra):
- Negotiations, 709–710, 712–724, 734–736, 737–740, 741–742
- Texts of notes:
- Diplomatic, consular, tariff, and other relations, signed May 14, together with Persian declaration as to safeguards for U. S. citizens, 724–732; exchange of letters (June 3 and June 21) [Page 1002] regarding competence of U. S. Consular Courts, 740–741
- Personal status and family law jurisdiction, signed July 11, 742–744
- Work of American missionaries, signed May 14, 732
- Negotiations and discussions concerning—
- Cooperation among the powers for establishment of agreements with Persia, 684, 686–687, 688–689, 690, 690–691, 692–693, 700–701, 704, 707, 710, 711, 712, 713
- Missionaries and educational institutions, 690, 696, 703, 705–706, 706, 720–721
- Most-favored-nation treatment in customs matters, 682, 683, 685–686, 687, 690, 691, 694, 697, 703, 705, 706, 709, 714, 717, 719, 719–720, 722
- Personal status and family law jurisdiction, 695, 703, 704–705, 713, 714–715, 717–718, 718–719, 721, 722, 723, 734–736, 737–740, 741–742
- Safeguards for foreign nationals, 683–685, 686–687, 688–690, 692–693, 694, 695, 696–697, 699, 699–700, 701–703, 703–704, 706, 707, 707–708, 709–714, 715, 720
- Views of powers concerning negotiation of new treaties, 682, 683, 686–687, 690, 690–691, 693–694, 694, 695–696, 699–700, 701–702, 705, 709; Persian attitude, 697–699, 706
- Treaties with United States:
- Arbitration and conciliation treaties, inconclusive negotiations, 746–749
- Friendship and commerce, 1856, termination of:
- Provisional agreement, signed May 14 and July 11, following termination of treaty. See Capitulations, termination of: Exchange of notes, supra.
- U. S. classification of Persian subjects as nontreaty aliens following Persian abrogation of treaty, 736–737, 744–745
- U. S. submittal of draft for new commercial treaty, information concerning, 745
- Naturalization agreement, suggestion of U. S. Minister, 733
- Capitulations, termination of, provisional
agreements with capitulatory powers pending conclusion of new
treaties, 682–745
- Peru, Tacna-Arica dispute, 750
- Petroleum. See Mexico: Protection of rights of American owners of oil lands; Netherlands: Petroleum resources; Rumania: Subsoil rights in leased oil lands; Spain: Petroleum monopoly.
- Poland, treaties with United States, 751–767
- Portugal, 768–797
- Regulations regarding jurisdiction on board foreign ships in Portuguese waters, and request for U. S. reciprocal action, 790, 793, 794; U. S. position, 790–792, 793–794, 795–797
- Shipping discriminations, 768–789
- Decree of Feb. 15 granting subsidies to Portuguese vessels, text, 782
- League of Nations loan, possible influence on shipping question, 771, 772
- Representations by United States and other powers:
- Portuguese position: Acceptance in principle of equality of treatment, and explanation of delay in action, 770, 771, 773, 780; review and summary of position, 784–787, 788–789
- Protests of Great Britain and other powers concerning customs rebates, port charges, and subsidies, 769–770, 771, 773, 774, 776, 777–780, 786–787; U. S. difference of opinion regarding subsidies, 774, 775–776, 776, 779, 783
- U. S. protests concerning customs rebates and port charges, 768–769, 770–771, 776, 779–780, 781, 787, 788
- Tobacco situation, résumé of, 768–769, 771–772
- Treaties and agreements with United States: Commercial agreement of 1910, interpretation in regard to most-favored-nation treatment in consular matters, 793–797; friendship, commerce and consular rights, U. S. interest in treaty of, 774–775, 776–777, 780, 783–784, 786, 788–789
- Protocols. See Treaties, conventions, etc.
- Radio communication. See under Liberia.
- Radio Corporation of America. See under Liberia: Radio communication.
- Recognition of Spanish Zone of Morocco by United States. See Morocco: Claims of U. S. citizens.
- Refugee Settlement Commission (Hellenic), 4, 5, 8–9, 11, 12
- Refugees in Turkey, Russian, American aid in evacuation of, 981–988
- Revolutionists, doctrine of responsibility of governments for acts of successful revolutionists, 55, 58–59
- Romano-Americana Co. See under Rumania: Subsoil rights in leased oil lands.
- Root treaties of arbitration (1908), cited, 102, 103, 136, 145, 412, 414, 416, 751, 879, 880, 937
- Rumania, 798–821
- Anti-Semitic activity, protests by American Jewish groups, and U. S. attitude, 819–821
- Claims, American, question of payment, 815–816
- Commercial treaty with United States, U. S. interest in, 814, 815, 817, 818
- Financial situation, 815–818
- Loan in American market, refusal of U. S. Department of State to associate the flotation of a loan with questions pending between United States and Rumania, 814–819
- Subsoil rights in leased oil lands, efforts to reach
settlement concerning, 798–814
- Eldorado Co., settlement with, 801, 804
- Mining Law of 1924:
- Regulations of June 8, 1928. See Mining Law regulations, infra.
- Text of certain articles, 806–807
- Mining Law regulations of June 8: Information concerning, 808–810; informal action of U. S. Chargé on behalf of American interests, 810–811, 813; Rumanian promise to modify certain features, 811–812, 814
- Romano-Americana Co., question of restoration of subsoil rights (see also Mining Law regulations of June 8, supra):
- Russia (see also
Japan: Fur seals convention of
1911), 822–831, 840, 981–988
- Gold of Soviet origin, continued refusal of U. S. mints and assay offices to accept, 827–831
- Refugees in Turkey, American aid in evacuation of, 981–988
- Spain, recognition of Soviet regime in return for oil supplies, consideration of, 840
- Trade with United States, statistics, 825
- U. S. policy toward infringements by Americans upon foreign rights in Russia, 826–827; toward Soviet regime, 822–825
- Salvador: Nicaraguan bandits, suppression of aid to, 580–581; treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights, Feb. 22, 1926, U S. policy in negotiating similar treaties with other countries, 158–169, 173, 596–597, 598
- Seamen’s Act of 1915, cited, 172–173
- Seligman & Co., 38–41, 530
- Shell Union Oil Corp., 386, 387, 389, 392–393, 394
- Shipping. See Portugal: Shipping discriminations.
- Siam, commercial treaty with United States (1920), cited, 199
- Smuggling of intoxicating liquors, conventions for prevention of. See under Greece: Agreements; and under Japan: Treaties.
- Spain (see also
Morocco), 832–881
- Petroleum monopoly, question of compensation for
expropriated properties, 832–878
- Representations of U. S. and other governments for fair
compensation to oil companies (see
Valuation Commission, infra):
- Arbitration, French consideration of recourse to, 874–878
- British attitude, 841, 842–843, 847, 849–850, 852, 873–874, 878
- French attitude and representations, 839–840, 842, 844, 873; consideration of recourse to arbitration, 874–878
- Joint action by British, French, and U. S. Governments, question of, 842, 843, 846, 850–851
- U. S. attitude and representations for fair compensation to American companies, 832, 833–835, 835–839, 840, 841, 845–846, 871–873, 874, 875, 876–877, 877–878; Spanish attitude, 832–833, 833–834, 835, 835–839, 871–873
- Valuation Commission, proceedings:
- Claims of oil companies as to value of properties, 850
- Protests of oil companies and of U. S., British, and French Governments against methods of Commission, 840–841, 843, 844, 845, 846, 848–849, 851, 852, 854; assurances of Spanish Government and establishment of new rules of procedure, 853–854, 855–861
- Reports on activities of Commission under revised rules, and further representations of foreign governments, 861–871
- Representations of U. S. and other governments for fair
compensation to oil companies (see
Valuation Commission, infra):
- Russia, desire for recognition of Soviet regime in return for oil supplies, 840
- Treaty of arbitration with United States, proposed, 879–881
- Petroleum monopoly, question of compensation for
expropriated properties, 832–878
- Standard Oil Co. (see also Rumania: Subsoil rights: Romano-Americana Co.; Spain: Petroleum monopoly): California Standard Oil Co. of Mexico, protection of interests at Manzanillo against revolutionists, 336–337; Netherlands subsidiary, concession in Netherlands East Indies, 376, 377, 379, 380, 381, 386–390, 402
- Sweden, 882–893
- Switzerland, 894–939
- Tacna-Arica dispute, 750
- Tangier. See under Morocco.
- Tariff act of 1909, 793–794, 795–797; of 1922, 105–106, 107, 703, 959, 964
- Taxation. See under Latvia, Morocco, and Sweden.
- Treaties, conventions, etc.:
- Arbitration. See Arbitration treaties.
- Barcelona convention on freedom of transit (1921), 168, 191, 193, 195, 200–201, 204, 607, 620
- Bryan treaties for the advancement of peace, cited, 136, 139, 140, 412–414, 746, 747, 751, 752, 880–881, 881, 937, 938, 939, 940
- Central American treaties of 1923, cited, 568, 581–582, 583
- Claims conventions of Sept. 8, 1928, and Sept. 10, 1928, between United States and Mexico, cited, 338
- Commercial agreements. See Commercial treaties and agreements.
- Conciliation. See Conciliation treaties.
- Consular convention between United States and Cuba (1926), cited, 609
- Exchange of populations between Greece and Turkey, convention of 1923. See under Greece.
- Fur seals convention of 1911 between United States, Japan, Great Britain, and Russia. See under Japan.
- Hague convention of 1907 for pacific settlement of international disputes, cited, 338, 414, 761, 939
- Lausanne, Allied treaty of July 24, 1928, cited, 26, 45, 52, 53, 953, 957
- Livestock convention between United States and Mexico. See under Mexico: Conventions.
- Loan agreements. See under Greece.
- Morocco, agreements concerning. See Morocco: Tangier.
- Most-favored-nation treatment, treaties and agreements according. See Most-favored-nation treatment.
- Naturalization treaties between United States and—
- Peace (see also Bryan treaties, supra), treaty for the advancement of, U. S.-Netherlands. See under Netherlands: Treaties.
- Root treaties of arbitration (1908), cited, 102, 103, 136, 148, 412, 414, 416, 751, 879, 880, 937
- Smuggling of intoxicating liquors. See under Greece: Agreements; and under Japan: Treaties.
- Tipitapa agreement. See under Nicaragua: Elections.
- Treaty for the renunciation of war, 943, 944
- U. S.–Cuba, consular convention of 1926, cited, 609
- U. S.–Estonia. See Estonia.
- U. S.–France, arbitration treaty (1928), cited, 139, 140, 412, 751, 879, 880, 895, 937, 938, 940, 943, 946
- U. S.–Germany. See under Germany.
- U. S.–Greece. See Greece: Agreements.
- U. S.–Italy. See under Italy.
- U. S.–Japan. See under Japan.
- U. S.–Latvia. See Latvia: Treaty of friendship, commerce and consular rights.
- U. S.–Lithuania: Arbitration treaty, text signed Nov. 14, 283–285; conciliation treaty, text signed Nov. 14, 285–287
- U. S.–Mexico. See Mexico: Conventions.
- U. S.–Netherlands. See under Netherlands.
- U. S.–Norway. See Norway.
- U. S.–Panama. See under Panama.
- U. S.–Persia. See under Persia.
- U. S.–Poland. See Poland.
- U. S.–Portugal. See under Portugal.
- U. S.–Siam (1920), cited, 199
- U. S.–Spain, arbitration treaty, proposed, 879–881
- U. S.–Sweden, arbitration treaty, negotiations and text signed Oct. 27, 882–884
- U. S.–Switzerland. See under Switzerland.
- U. S.–Turkey. See under Turkey.
- Treaty rights, alleged infringement. See under Italy.
- Turkey (see also
Greece: Exchange of Greek and
Turkish populations), 940–988
- American school at Brusa, closing of and trial of American teachers on charge of teaching Christianity, 964–981
- Russian refugees in Turkey, American aid in evacuation of, 981–988
- Treaties and agreements with United States:
- Arbitration and conciliation treaties, inconclusive negotiations, 940–950
- Commercial treaties and agreements, 940, 941, 944–945, 950–964
- Formal commercial treaty, question of negotiation, 958–964
- Modus vivendi of Feb. 17, 1927, extension to Apr. 10, 1929: Exchange of notes signed May 19, texts, 953–954; negotiations, 940, 941, 944–945, 950–953, 955–956; question of further extension pending possible conclusion of commercial treaty, 957–964
- General treaty signed at Lausanne Aug. 6, 1923, 944, 951, 953, 954, 962, 963
- Ulen & Co., 31–41
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Russia.
- U. S. citizens (see also
Latvia: Tax; Mexico: Protection of rights of
American owners of oil lands; Morocco:
- Claims against—
- Foreign obligations purchased by, U. S. attitude regarding, 88, 93
- Participation in revolutionary movements, attitude of U. S. Government, 72, 73
- Safeguards for. See under Persia: Capitulations: Negotiations.
- U. S. Congress, consideration and approval of terms of settlement of Greek war debt to United States, 8–13
- U. S. Consular Courts, exchange of notes between United States and Persia in regard to competence of, 740–741
- U. S. customs agents, activities in Italy, 104–107
- U. S. Department of Agriculture: Conference with Mexican Department of Agriculture and Fomento with regard to livestock, 308–311; letter of Secretary of Agriculture concerning proposed U. S.-Mexican convention for safeguarding of livestock interests, 313–315
- U. S. Federal Courts. See under Italy: Treaty rights.
- U. S. marines. See under Nicaragua.
- U. S. naval vessels, presence in Hon-duran waters, 73–74, 75, 75–76
- U. S. Treasury Department:
- War: Obligation to declare, Panaman interpretation of its obligations in the event of armed conflict to which United States is a party, 675–677; treaty for the renunciation of war. 943, 944
- War debts. See under Greece.