
The Minister in Salvador (Schuyler) to the Secretary of State

No. 514

Sir: In reply to the Department’s telegram of March 26, 6 p.m., I beg to state that I immediately took up the question of the exchange of notes regarding the most-favored-nation treatment of imports between El Salvador and the United States with the Minister for Foreign Affairs and handed him a note embodying the Department’s ideas. (For text of note see enclosure).6

The Minister told me that he feared there would be considerable difficulty at the present time and that it would have been easier to negotiate this matter some months ago. He felt that prolonged study by the various ministries concerned would now be necessary, especially in view of the fact that the consent of the bankers interested in the recent loan7 would have to be obtained because the proposed most-favored-nation exchange of notes would in some items lower the importation duties and consequently the customs revenues to a considerable degree. However, he promised to give the matter his promptest attention, and stated that if it were found possible to conclude the matter to the satisfaction of the Department of State, he would be glad to exchange the notes with me even if I were at the moment on leave of absence.

I have requested Mr. Taylor, who will be Chargé d’Affaires, to report immediately to the Department any reply from the Minister and to cable the Department for the text of the proposed note in case the Salvadorean government finds it possible to exchange the notes as indicated by the Department.

I have [etc.]

Montgomery Schuyler