819.00/1160: Telegram
The Minister in Panama (South) to the Secretary of State
[Received March 2—9:30 a.m.]
27. Marsh now requests captain of Cleveland to take him to Cristobal alleging that his life is in danger. This is obviously true.
Marsh is involved at least to the extent of having reduced to writing the demands of the Indians but has apparently attempted to restrain them from violence. Panamans probably not aware he is to leave for Cristobal on Cleveland. Respectfully request instructions as to what course I shall follow if Panaman authorities demand that he [be] turned over to them at Cristobal.
All trouble will cease immediately here if Panamans can be induced to permit me to advise the Indians that they will not be molested or prosecuted for what has occurred in outbreaks.
Cleveland is removing to Cristobal all foreigners seeking protection. No new outbreaks to my knowledge in last 24 hours.