Delay in exchange of ratifications of the Palestine Mandate Convention pending adjustment of cases involving the capitulatory rights of Americans13

13. For previous correspondence concerning efforts to maintain American capitulatory rights in Palestine, see Foreign Relations, 1924, vol. ii, pp. 197 ff.

[178] The Chargé in Great Britain (Sterling) to the Secretary of State

867n.01/421: Telegram

[183] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton) to the Secretary of State


[184] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton) to the Secretary of State

867n.01/446: Telegram

[185] The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton)

867n.01/446: Telegram

[186] The Ambassador in Great Britain (Houghton) to the Secretary of State

867n.01/448: Telegram